Shocker: After Dumbassed Israeli Apology to Egypt, Turns Out Eilat Terrorists Are Egyptian
By Debbie Schlussel
The death toll from last week’s Islamic terrorist attacks near Eilat, Israel is now up to 9, with many dozens more seriously injured. Yet, Israel–yes, Binyamin Netanyahu’s Israel–apologized to Egypt for defending itself. Now, it turns out that three of the Islamic terrorists who perpetrated the attack are not Palestinians but Egyptians. And they were aided not only by Bedouin Arabs in the Sinai, but also by Egyptian Army soldiers who noticed them and did nothing. Oh, and it turns out that Israel didn’t “deliberately” attack any Egyptians when it responded to the attack. Yup, the apology was not only boneheaded, but it was premature articulation. And, per usual, it is a sign of weakness to Muslims who laugh and laugh and laugh at it.
The IDF did everything in its power to prevent Egyptian troops from getting hurt in last Thursday’s multiple terror attacks near Eilat, inquiries conducted by both the IDF and the Egyptian army showed. The IDF also found that at least three of the terrorists were Egyptian citizens.
Head of the General Staff’s Planning Branch Amir Eshel, who traveled to Cairo early this week to present to Egyptian officials the findings of the IDF’s initial investigation, even brought photographic evidence to the fact.
Why do that? Who gives a crap what these jihadi Jew-haters think?
The evidence shows that contrary to Egyptian media reports, the IDF’s attack helicopters avoided hitting Egyptian military vehicles and troops stationed at the border. . . .
In addition, an examination of the bodies of the terrorists killed by the IDF clearly showed that at least three of them were Egyptian citizens. One was a member of a radical Egyptian group who was tried in the country.
He escaped from prison during the first days of the Egyptian revolution, when several Cairo prisons were broken into as hundreds of imprisoned Jihadist terrorists escaped to Sinai. . . .
The Egyptian terrorists joined Palestinian operatives from the Popular Resistance Committees and together they perpetrated the coordinated attacks. Israel also has further proof that joint Palestinian-Egyptian terror cells were in Sinai for weeks and were assisted by Bedouins in the region.
Also according to the IDF investigation, the Egyptian troops noticed the presence of the terrorists even before the attack was launched, but did nothing about it. Only later that evening did an officer and a few soldiers leave their post, evidently to stop the ongoing sniper fire. The terrorists, who were wearing uniforms similar to those of the Egyptian army, resisted.
Hmmm . . . assisted by Egyptian soldiers who looked the other way and wearing Egyptian Army uniforms. And Egypt wonders why some Egyptian soldiers got killed when Israel responded.
Still stand behind that apology, Netanyahu? Hey, where is Egypt’s apology to Israel?
Don’t hold your breath.
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