A very interesting post from www.NumbersUSA.com and about what you can do to help Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney be more conservative. This is before the Iowa debate and straw poll. This follows this post about winning the Senate which is a KEY Step for reversing the course that Barack Obama has put America on. This follows this post about the House GOP's communication problem and this article about the recent news about ending the ban on offshore drilling which would encourage American energy independence This is a key issue to prevent money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
Tell Mitt Romney how he can do better on immigration:
•(781) 325-1738
Oppose Amnesty/Legalization
■While Gov. Romney has not spoken out recently about an amnesty or legalization for illegal aliens, he did oppose it during his 2008 Presidential campaign: “The wrong answer is amnesty. We tried it twice before. Amnesty only led to more people coming into the country 'cause they say, 'Oh gosh, look if you get in illegally, ultimately they'll let you stay.' That's the wrong message.”
Source: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2007/09/03/romney-amnesty-the-wrong-way-to-go/?fbid=lRc9MgTtDOr ■Gov. Romney also said: “I disagree fundamentally with the idea that the 12 million people who've come here illegally should all be allowed to remain in the US permanently, potentially some of them applying for citizenship and becoming citizens, others just staying permanently. That is a form of amnesty, and that it's not appropriate. We're a nation of laws. Our liberty is based upon being a nation of laws. I would welcome those people to get in line with everybody else who wants to come here permanently. But there should be no special pathway to permanent residency or citizenship for those that have come here illegally.”
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/05/us/politics/05text-rdebate.html?_r=1
Mandate E-Verify
■While Gov. Romney has not spoken out recently about mandating E-Verify, he did support implementing some sort of mandatory employment verification system during his 2008 Presidential campaign: “The United States needs an employment-verification system that helps prevent illegal immigrants from getting jobs and punishes employers that knowingly hire them. That'll stop the flow of people into this country for work because they won't be able to get work.”
Source: http://www.wilx.com/home/headlines/10526247.html ■During the previous campaign, Romney also said: “We need to have an employment verification system with a card to identify who’s here legally and not legally. We need to have employer sanctions that hire people that then don’t have the legal card.”
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/05/us/politics/05text-rdebate.html?_r=1
Reduce Overall Immigration
■Throughout his 2008 Presidential Campaign, Gov. Romney made it clear that he believed the United States needed more immigrants: “I like H1B visas. I like the idea of the best and brightest in the world coming here. I'd rather have them come here permanently rather than come and go, but I believe our visa program is designed to help us solve gaps in our employment pool. Where there are individuals who have skills that we do not have in abundance here, I'd like to bring them here and contribute to our economy. Ultimately we're in a competitive battle with the rest of the world; a battle where we need to stay the most powerful nation in the world. And the only way our nation stays ahead forever is with superior technology and innovation. And if we need additional folks who have skills that can contribute to our country then by all means lets welcome them in and if we see that our kids are not competing in certain areas lets help our kinds understand what they need to become competitive.”
Source: http://techcrunch.com/2007/11/01/mitt-romney/ ■Gov. Romney also said: “The answer to that is simple, which is issue more visas. If our employment sector needs additional immigrant laborers, then issue the visas necessary to provide that work force.”
Source: http://www.wilx.com/home/headlines/10526247.html ■Gov. Romney also explicitly said he does not want tor reduce the number of immigrants entering the country: “I'm not looking to reduce the number of immigrants that come to our country or reduce the number of immigrants who are in our country.”
Source: http://www.thepittsburghchannel.com/r/13589980/detail.html
End Chain Migration
■Gov. Romney has not made his position clear regarding chain migration.
End Visa Lottery
■Gov. Romney has not made his position clear regarding the visa lottery.
Limit Unfair Worker Competition
■During his 2008 Presidential campaign, Gov. Romney made it clear that he had no desire to limit the importation of foreign workers. On the contrary, he wanted to increase the influx of unnecessary foreign labor. However, he has not made any comments to this effect during the current jobs depression. ■“I like H1B visas. I like the idea of the best and brightest in the world coming here. I'd rather have them come here permanently rather than come and go, but I believe our visa program is designed to help us solve gaps in our employment pool.”
Source: http://techcrunch.com/2007/11/01/mitt-romney/
Secure Border & Fence
■During his 2008 Presidential campaign, Gov. Romney's website said: “Governor Romney will follow through on the Congressional commitment to build a physical and technological fence along the southern border, and secure other points of entry throughout the country.”
Implement Entry/Exit
■Gov. Romney has not made his position clear regarding an entry/exit system.
Support Local Enforcement
■While Governor of Massachusetts, Romney worked with ICE to deputize Massachusetts State Troopers to enforce federal immigration laws.
Punish Business Violators
■During his 2008 campaign, Gov. Romney made it clear that employers of knowingly hire illegal aliens need to be punished.
Source: http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=23541
Tackle Refugee Fraud
■Gov. Romney has not made his position clear regarding TPS and Refugees.
End Birthright Citizenship
■Gov. Romney has not made his position clear regarding birthright citizenship for the children of illegal aliens.
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