And Remember when contacting public officials to please be firm but respectful. Any over the top messages could result in law enforcement action against you. Just let these senators know that you are aware of what they have done and that you intend to remove them from office in the 2012 elections.
Which elites Support or Oppose Dictator Obama's Amnesty?
Friends of ALIPAC,
Dictator Barack Obama declared his Dream Act Amnesty for illegal aliens on a Thursday and then ran off on his next vacation. The media has not reported much on this so most of America has no idea what has happened to them yet.
We are going to do all we can this week to make sure that word gets out that America is now under a form of dictatorship where a man that was elected has now taken dictatorial control of policy and passed an unpopular amnesty that puts more than 300,000 illegal aliens into direct competition with American workers quickly.
Several members of Congress have put out press releases stating their opposition to Obama's Amnesty. No word from any of the GOP Presidential candidates so far today.
Rick Perry supports this Dream Act Amnesty provision in his home state of Texas and Mitt Romney asked Senator Lindsay Graham to pass a form of amnesty like this after the 2008 elections. Newt Gingrich supports Dream Amnesty and even had DREAM Act kids at his big fund raiser in DC, but how do Bachmann, Paul, Cain, Palin, and others stand on Obama's executive order amnesty?
We need you to find out where the candidates stand and where members of Congress stand.
Please take the following steps.
If you can determine a position of a candidate or member of Congress please post your finding in our tracking thread at this link...
If you need an account to post, please write to Accounts@alipac.us for an e-application for posting privileges at ALIPAC.us
Step 1: CONTACT ALL GOP CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT AND ASK "Has your campaign issued a statement on Obama's executive order Amnesty? If so, please direct me to or email me a copy."
Michele Bachmann
Rick Perry (pro Amnesty)
Mitt Romney (pro Amnesty)
Ron Paul
Herman Cain
Newt Gingrich (Pro Amnesty)
Sarah Palin (pro Amnesty as of last election cycle in 2008)
Step 2: Call your members of Congress to ask "What is your position on the amnesty for illegal aliens Barack Obama ordered last week? Please email me or direct me to a written copy of your reaction to the amnesty order."
Tip: You might want to try some of the home district contacts since Congress is in recess till September.
Our ALIPAC volunteers will place all confirmed responses on the homepage at alipac.us
We want to give special thanks to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer for her released statement opposing Dictator Obama's executive order Amnesty.
Remember to post your findings and responses from these campaigns and candidates at this link....
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