An interesting story from about Barack Obama's use of tax dollars during the 2010 camaign. This follows this post about the 2012 GOP presidential candidates. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can also get a very interesting book HERE!
Obama Admin Spent Tax $ Promoting Obamacare in 2010 Elections
New documents obtained by the legal group Judicial Watch via a Freedom of Information Act request reveal the Obama administration spent more than $1 million promoting the Obamacare law that funds abortions and presents rationing concerns before the 2012 elections.
The FOIA documents have HHS officials talking about promoting Obamacare in email conversations with The Ogilvy Group, a public relations firm the Obama administration hired to promote Obamacare in the final days before the mid-term elections that resulted in massive pro-life gains in the House and Senate and Republicans taking over the House from pro-abortion Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
As the Washignton Examiner reports today:
On October 25, 2010, HHS New Media Communications Director Julia Eisman sent an email to Ogilvy Senior Vice President Imani Green, reading, “Given the high performance, we’re wondering if we should we consider reallocating resources from the lesser performing words and put more $$ to ‘Obamacare’ – at least for the next 7 days.” Seven days from October 25, 2010, was November 2nd, Election Day.
“There is nothing special about November 2nd other than the fact that it was Election Day,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told The Examiner. “What possible reason could the Obama HHS have for maximizing their propaganda dollars in the seven days before Election Day other than to elect Democrats? This seems to be a blatant violation of the Hatch Act, among other laws. Congress needs to get on the ball and investigate,” he concluded.
The actions are a potential violation of the Hatch Act, which indicates government officials may not “use [their] official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election…”
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