A very interesting post from www.NumbersUSA.com about what you can do to help Presidential Candidate Michele Bachman be more conservative. This is before the Iowa debate and straw poll This follows this post about winning the Senate which is a KEY Step for reversing the course that Barack Obama has put America on. This follows this post about the House GOP's communication problem and this article about the recent news about ending the ban on offshore drilling which would encourage American energy independence This is a key issue to prevent money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
Tell Michele Bachmann how she can do better on immigration:
Click on individual ratings to view quotes and other source materials for that rating.
Oppose Amnesty/Legalization
Long-term work permits and/or a path to citizenship should NOT be offered (whether through blanket amnesty or an “earned legalization” or other form) to millions of people who are illegally in the U.S.Mandate E-Verify
Jobs held by illegal aliens SHOULD be opened up for unemployed Americans and legal immigrants already here by REQUIRING all businesses to use the Federal automated, rapid-response internet E-Verify system to screen out illegal foreign workers.Reduce Overall Immigration
Overall immigration numbers each year SHOULD be reduced toward more traditional levels. Average annual immigration was around 250,000 from 1776 to 1976, including the most recent part of that period after World War II. But the current annual average of more than ONE MILLION since 1990 is too high. More than 38 million foreign workers and foreign-born dependents already live in the U.S. At current rates, immigration will crowd another 100 million people into the U.S. in 50 years. The government should stop forcing this rapid population expansion and its requirements of huge increases in energy, roads and other infrastructure and service.End Chain Migration
Family-based immigration should be LIMITED to the nuclear family of spouse and minor children, as was the case during most of our history and as recommended by the bi-partisan, national Jordan Commission. Allowed would be unlimited adoptions and marriages overseas, and liberal visitor visas for extended family. But eliminated would be the “chain migration” categories of permanent greencards for extended family that are the key reason immigration has quadrupled since the 1960s.End Visa Lottery
The governmnet should STOP using a lottery to raffle off permanent work permits to 50,000 randomly chosen foreign citizens each year (an elimination suggested by the Jordan Commission).Limit Unfair Worker Competition
The government should institute SAFEGUARDS that will prevent importation of foreign workers any time they would threaten the jobs or depress the wages of American workers.Secure Borders
The government should fully FUND & IMPLEMENT border security measures already signed into law while finding creative ways to further protect U.S. property owners along the borders from crime and protect all Americans from terrorist and organized crime operations.Implement Entry/Exit
The Administration should put into full operation the entry/exit system required by current law to monitor those who enter and leave our country, especially for the purposes of national security. Support Local Enforcement
The Administration should COOPERATE WITH & FACILITATE efforts by state and local governments to move unlawfully present foreign nationals from their communities in order to increase job opportunities for unemployed Americans and legal immigrants.Punish Business Violators
The Administration SHOULD aggressively remove the economic incentives for employers to hire illegal foreign workers through means such as fines, tax policies and incarceration.Tackle Refugee Fraud
The “Temporary Protected Status” system should be reformed so that foreign nationals return to their homelands as soon as the temporary disaster/conflict has abated. The number of permanent work permits/green cards issued each year should be limited to the U.S. fair share of refugees around the world who have been designated as requiring third-country re-settlement.
End Birthright Citizenship
Oppose Amnesty/Legalization
■Rep. Bachmann earns an Excellent rating because her actions and statements have clearly opposed mass legalizations and have been recent.■Most recently, she voted against the 2010 DREAM Act amnesty.
Source: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c111:H.R.6497 ■The following is from Rep. Bachmann's House website: "The last time our immigration laws were overhauled was in 1986, when Congress granted amnesty to almost three million illegal immigrants in the U.S. and promised increased border security in the near future. Twenty years later, the number of illegal immigrants in our country has quadrupled, with no end in sight. Rather than repeating the mistakes of our past, I believe Congress must work to secure our nation’s borders and enforce the immigration laws already in place. Once this is achieved, improvements to the current system can be considered."
Source: http://bachmann.house.gov/Issues/Issue/?IssueID=4316
Mandate E-Verify
■Congresswoman Bachmann in the past has co-sponsored legislation to make E-Verify mandatory nationally for all employers but has done nothing in this Congress to provide support, keeping her from an Excellent rating.
■Rep. Bachmann co-sponsored the SAVE Act, a bill that would require employers to use the E-Verify system, in both the 110th and 111th Congresses. ■She has also twice voted in support of E-Verify (H.R. 6633 in 2008 to reauthorize E-Verify for 5 years and the King amendment to H.R. 2892 (2009) to force DHS contractors to use E-Verify)
Source: http://www.numbersusa.com/content/my/congress/1243/gradescoresheet/career
Reduce Overall Immigration
■Rep. Bachmann has said nothing about whether the federal government should continue to force massive population growth in the U.S.
End Chain Migration
■While in Congress, Rep. Bachmann has failed to co-sponsor any of the bills that would reduce or end non-nuclear family chain migration.
End Visa Lottery
■While in Congress, Rep. Bachmann has failed to co-sponsor any of the bills that would eliminate the visa lottery.
Limit Unfair Worker Competition
■While in Congress, Rep. Bachmann has failed to support legislation to reduce the number of foreign workers admitted to the United States. This failure to act is all the more damaging during a jobs depression.■On her official House website, Rep. Bachmann says immigration laws must be reformed to "curb [an] unfair strain on our country’s job markets."
Source: http://bachmann.house.gov/Issues/Issue/?IssueID=4316
Secure Border & Fence
■Rep. Bachmann has co-sponsored bills, voted for legislation and spoken in the media in support of finishing the border fence and increasing armed personnel on the border.
■Rep. Bachmann has been a consistent supporter of border security and Border Patrol officers. Bachmann has cosponsored the SAVE Act and voted to increase funding for the border fence.
Source:http://www.numbersusa.com/content/my/congress/1243/gradescoresheet/career ■In May 2010, Rep. Bachmann said she was disappointed that President Obama didn't send more National Guardsmen and women to protect the border and reiterated the need for a physical border fence.
Source: http://plainsdaily.com/entry/bachmann_says_that_the_us_needs_a_border_fence/
Implement Entry/Exit
■Rep. Bachmann has done or said nothing about fully implementing an entry/exit system for foreign students, tourists and temporary workers.
Support Local Enforcement
■Rep. Bachmann has consistently and recently co-sponsored bills, voted for legislation and spoken in the media in support of state and local "force multiplier" enforcement of immigration laws.■Rep. Bachmann has supported the SAVE Act and the CLEAR Act, bills that would make it easier for local law enforcement to enforce immigration statutes.
Source: http://www.numbersusa.com/content/my/congress/1243/gradescoresheet/career ■During a March, 2008, interview with Bill O'Reilly, Rep. Bachmann agreed that state and local law enforcement officers should be required to ask for proof of immigration status during traffic stops.
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryua5PCHOF4■During a May, 2010 interview with All Patriots Media, Rep. Bachmann spoke out in support of Arizona's enforcement law, SB 1070.
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuFF7rIFYQ4
Punish Business Violators
■While in Congress, Rep. Bachmann has co-sponsored the bipartisan SAVE Act, which would mandate E-Verify and punish those businesses that knowingly hire illegal workers. She fails to receive an excellent rating because she has not cosponsored the legislation in the current Congress.
Tackle Refugee Fraud
■In 2007, Rep. Bachmann supported the Forbes amendment to H.R. 2638, which would have prevented funds pursuant this bill from being used to extend the temporary protected status of a country.
Source: http://www.numbersusa.com/content/my/congress/1243/gradescoresheet/career
End Birthright Citizenship
■During the 110th Congress, Rep. Bachmann cosponsored H.R. 1868, the Birthright Citizenship Act of 2009. She does not receive an excellent rating because she has failed to cosponsor the legislation in the current Congress.
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