And Remember when contacting public officials to please be firm but respectful. Any over the top messages could result in law enforcement action against you. Just let these senators know that you are aware of what they have done and that you intend to remove them from office in the 2012 elections.
Stop Administrative Amnesty Today by Calling Your Representative and Telling Them to Co-Sponsor the HALT Act!
Stating that it makes "no sense" to use resources removing illegal aliens who have not yet been convicted of felonies, Secretary Janet Napolitano announced last week a plan to conduct a case-by-case review of all individual cases currently involved in removal proceedings. Such an approach will allow the Administration to dismiss all cases that do not meet its "highest priority," namely all illegal aliens who have not yet been convicted of a felony.
Not only will removal proceedings against "low priority" cases be dismissed, including all of those who would have been eligible under the repeatedly failed DREAM Act, the Administration plans to grant work authorization to those who have their cases dismissed. Such a policy is boldly ignoring what the American people have instructed Congress to authorize, and snubbing the votes of Congress, which has voted down the DREAM Act on multiple occasions.
To stop this continuous effort by the Obama Administration to bypass Congress, House Judiciary Chairman Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) last month introduced the "Hinder the Administration's Legalization Temptation Act" or the HALT Act (H.R. 2497). If enacted, the HALT Act would prevent the Administration from further abusing its prosecutorial discretion to grant administrative amnesty to certain classes of illegal aliens by suspending its ability to:
Grant deferred action to illegal aliens;
Grant parole or extended voluntary departure to illegal aliens who do not meet narrowly defined criteria;
Cancel the removal and adjust the status of illegal aliens ordered deported; and
Grant work authorization to illegal aliens.
Call your Representative and tell them the Administration's actions are an affront to the rule of law. Urge them to limit the Obama Administration's authority to administratively grant amnesty to illegal aliens by co-sponsoring the HALT Act today!
Contact your Representative here.
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