And Remember when contacting public officials to please be firm but respectful. Any over the top messages could result in law enforcement action against you. Just let these senators know that you are aware of what they have done and that you intend to remove them from office in the 2012 elections.
Obama Approval Crashes to New Low Following Amnesty Decree
Contact: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)
(866) 703-0864 Press@alipac.us
Public approval levels of Barack Obama are crashing to new lows shortly after his administration has announced an effort to bypass the Congress, the Constitution, and the American public to create a form of executive order Amnesty for illegal aliens.
The Department of Homeland Security announced last week that many illegal aliens would no longer be deported. This policy conflicts with existing federal laws that say all illegal aliens are to be deported. The US Constitution specifically states that immigration policy is to be set by the Congress, not the Executive Branch.
ALIPAC would like to publicly thank Rep. Candice Miller (R-Mich. (202) 225 - 2106) for announcing today she will hold Congressional hearings to prove Obama has violated the US Constitution with his amnesty.
An extensive collection of scientific polling data collected at ALIPAC.us shows clearly that a large majority of Americans, across racial and partisan lines, oppose any form of Amnesty for illegal aliens similar to the kind Barack Obama has created in an authoritarian way.
With this news being Obama's latest major policy announcement, his crashing numbers are likely in response to the news of "Obama's Amnesty" reaching the public.
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) is playing a key role in distributing this news to the nation.
"Obama decreed this unlawful Amnesty for illegal aliens on a Thursday while the Congress is in recess," said William Gheen of ALIPAC. "Our first mission has been to alert the public about this move via online activism, national press releases, and numerous talk radio interviews. As word spreads of what Obama has done, his approval ratings drop."
Rasmussen Reports presidential tracking polling indicates that Obama's approval ratings have hit new lows for the last two days in a row with Obama's 'presidential approval index' rating hitting -26 today! Only 19% of Americans now strongly approve of Obama while 45% now strongly disapprove.
Barack Obama's approval levels are also hitting new lows following his Amnesty for illegal aliens decree in Gallup polling, which usually generates numbers more favorable to the president than other polling organizations.
Gallup is currently showing Obama's approval levels reaching 53% disapproval vs 40% general approval for August 19-21. This is a negative index of -13% which is a new approval low for Gallup readings on Obama.
"Obama just took steps to put over 300,000 illegal aliens and eventually millions more in direct competition with American workers at a time of historic unemployment. He has done so in a way that is illegal and unconstitutional," said William Gheen. "We are calling on the media to alert more Americans about what Obama has really done here, and we are calling on the Congress to begin the impeachment process immediately."
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC has launched an effort to build up public and congressional support for the impeachment of Barack Obama following congressional hearings that discovered the administration of Barack OBama has been using the ATF, CIA, FBI, DEA, and Department of Justice to buy thousands of assault weapons for the Mexican drug and illegal alien importing cartels.
ALIPAC's Impeach Obama Facebook page has quickly become the largest in the nation with over 23,000 supporters in the first month. An online petition website which is building up strength for national protests calling for the Impeachment of Obama has received 4,000 signatures so far.
Visit ALIPAC's Impeach Obama Facebook Page at...
Visit ALIPAC's Online Petition and Protest Planning site at..
To schedule interviews or learn more about Barack Obama's dictatorial actions and impeachable offenses, please visit http://www.alipac.us/
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