A very interesting post from www.releaseinternational.org about Christians being attacked in Nigeria. This follows this post about the cartels in Mexico trying to keep from provoking the United States from entering Mexico. This follows this article about the recent news about the former ban on offshore drilling which would encourage American energy independence and prevent money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and read this very interesting book HERE.
NIGERIA – Fresh attacks on Christian villages in Plateau
Release partners report that Christian villages in Plateau state in central Nigeria have again come under attack after months of relative calm.
Stefanos Foundation reports a series of raids in the Jos North, Riyom and Barakin-Ladi areas this month, shattering hopes that calm had been restored in the region. Several of the attacks occurred at night.
Most recently, on Saturday, attacks on Kiwi and Loton villages, both in the Riyom area near Jos city, left four Christians dead, according to Reuters news agency. Several news sources, including the Nigerian newspaper Vanguard, report that attackers set several homes alight.
The Nigerian Tribune reports that some have fled the area for fear of further attacks.
Earlier, six Christians died in Forom village in the Barakin-Ladi area in raids on August 11 and 15, according to Stefanos Foundation. The Release partner also reports that one Christian was killed in Jwol, in the Riyom area, on August 13.
Stefanos Foundation has issued a report saying that eight people – including seven members of the same family – were killed in Heipang community, in Jos North, on August 14.
Although Muslim herdsmen are accused of several of the attacks, Stefanos reports that Christians in Heipang believe that military personnel were responsible for the attack on their community. Military ID papers were found at the scene and several eyewitnesses reported seeing men in military uniform.
Christian communities in Plateau state suffered repeated attacks earlier in the year. After April a period of relative calm prompted speculation that extremists may have moved their focus north to Bauchi state (Prayer Alert, May 17, 2011).
A Nigerian government delegation visiting Plateau state officials last week to talk about security said the Government was considering what action to take to prevent further violence.
(Sources: Associated Press, Reuters, Stefanos Foundation, The Nigerian Tribune, Vanguard)
• Pray for all those injured or bereaved during recent attacks in Plateau. Pray that Christians there will know that the Lord is their strong tower (Psalm 61:3).
• Pray that the Government and military will take decisive action to prevent further attacks in Plateau, restore calm and bring those responsible to justice.
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