Monday, February 17, 2014

Urgent! The IRS is at it again‏

A timely post about from about the IRS targeting political opponents of the current president. This follows this post about Texas legislators who are graded "Worse than Wendy." This are GOP legislators!  In the meantime, you can get more involved if you like here and read an interesting book HERE.

Urgent! The IRS is at it again‏

The IRS is at it again.

First, we discovered that the IRS was secretly targeting conservative organizations for more rigorous screening during their application process to receive tax-exempt status. Now, the IRS wants to go even further to silence conservative 501(c)(4) groups like Americans for Prosperity.

If implemented, the new IRS regulations will severely restrict our free speech by:

  • Limiting affected groups' ability to criticize or praise the policies of any federal, state, or local politicians within 30 days of a primary or 60 days of a general election
  • Forcing affected groups to remove any references to politicians from their websites during these time periods
  • Limiting affected groups' ability to hold candidate debates or forums during these time periods
  • Limiting affected groups' ability to distribute voting guides and legislative scorecards
  • Limiting affected groups' ability to weigh in on nominees for federal, state, or local appointed government positions
take action button

AFP is committed to holding politicians accountable. We want constituents to know when their legislators are being true to their word -- and when they're not. The IRS is trying to make that much more difficult for us.
In spite of all this, President Obama claims there's "not even a smidgen of corruption" going on at the IRS. But many Americans seem to think otherwise -- 64% of voters think the IRS is corrupt. Even a majority of Democrats think so!

Please join us --  and 55+ other conservative organizations -- in stopping the IRS' latest power grab.


Tim Phillips
Americans for Prosperity President

P.S. Go to to send a message to the IRS right now.

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