Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Muslims worldwide sign petition to ban “blasphemous” Katy Perry video from YouTube

A very interesting post from about Katy Perry's video referencing Islam. This follows this post about Barack Obama's Muslim Outreach coordinator. This follows this article about American energy independence and preventing money from going to hostile countries. For more about what you can do to get more involved click here and you can read two very interesting books HERE.

Muslims worldwide sign petition to ban “blasphemous” Katy Perry video from YouTube

Another day, another Islamic assault on the freedom of speech and freedom of expression. The Islamic jihad against the freedom of speech is not being pursued by a “tiny minority of extremists,” but by huge and influential international organizations such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, aided and abetted by U.S. Leftists and Islamic supremacists such as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations and Reza Aslan’s Aslan Media. Now a petition against the video above has over 35,000 signatures. At some point the West is going to have to remember why the freedom of speech is important and move to protect and defend it, or submit to this tyranny and accept Sharia blasphemy restrictions. At this point, the latter option looks much more likely. And in this particular case, the smart money is on Katy Perry, an addled PC Leftist and former consort of the execrable jihad enabler Russell Brand, apologizing and editing the video to remove the Offense to Islam.
“Muslims Worldwide Sign Petition To Ban Blasphemous Katy Perry Video From YouTube (Video),” by Sarah Fruchtnicht for Opposing Views, February 25:
A petition to ban Katy Perry’s “blasphemous” music video “Dark Horse” from Youtube has more than 35,000 signatures.
Released on YouTube Feb. 20, Perry’s video, set in ancient Egypt, shows a man wearing an Allah pendant gradually disintegrating into a pile of sand.
“Such goes to show, that blasphemy is clearly conveyed in the video, since Katy Perry (who appears to be representing an opposition of God) engulfs the believer and the word God in flames,” says the petition.
“This is the reason for lodging the petition so that people from different walks of life, different religions and from different parts of the world agree that the video promotes blasphemy, using the name of God in an irrelevant and distasteful manner would be considered inappropriate by any religion,” it states.
Supporters of the ban appear to be from all over the world.
“We are Muslims and that is Allah’s name on his neck and she burns it that’s great disrespect to Islam yet these lot say we are the bad ones well hah shame on these people,” wrote Nida Ahmed of the United Kingdom.
“I am a Muslim and I find this highly disrespectful and inappropriate,” wrote Reena Mikaeel of Singapore.
Ghallil Almahdaoui of the Netherlands wrote, “1:15 shows a man being burned with the sign of the most beautiful religion in history and future.”
Perry has not responded to the petition. She has garnered criticism in the past for cultural insensitivity, when she performed at the 2013 American Music Awards dressed as a geisha.

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