A very interesting post from http://www.jihadwatch.org/ about Jihadis in America. This follows this post about CAIR's slander on the Gabrielle Giffords shooting and this article about the recent news about the former ban on offshore drilling which would encourage American energy independence. This is a key issue to prevent money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and read this very interesting book HERE!
Raymond Ibrahim on jihadis in America: all the benefits and still turning to jihad
Common sense and pointed questions from our old friend Raymond Ibrahim. "Radical Muslims in America: All the Benefits and Still Turning to Jihad," by Raymond Ibrahim in Hudson New York (via RaymondIbrahim.com), January 12:
[...] Holder's assertion that "the terrorists only have to be successful once" has important implications: aside from the obvious--that it only takes one strike to create devastation on U.S. soil--it is also a reminder that when people argue that most American Muslims are moderate, and only a few are radical, it does not help our security. It took nineteen to commit 9/11; and we have already seen that some American Muslims are radical. According to Holder, in the last two years, 50 of the 126 people charged with terrorism were U.S. citizens.
Conversely, Holder's point that "You didn't worry about this even two years ago--about individuals, about Americans, to the extent that we now do," is odd. Why should Americans not have been a worry two years ago? Anyone even moderately familiar with Islamist ideology knows that it allows for absolutely no national allegiance. The notion that some American Muslims could become radicalized should have been a concern since 9/11--nearly a decade ago, not two years ago. It should have been a concern when it became obvious that American Muslims--like John Walker Lindh, Gregory Patterson, Levar Washington, Kevin James, Christopher Paul and Jose Padilla--were turning to violent jihad.
More significantly, the fact that Americans are being radicalized not only bodes ill for U.S. security; it also suggests that American efforts in the Muslim world are doomed to failure. Consider: if American Muslims, who enjoy Western benefits--including democracy, liberty, prosperity, and freedom of expression--are still being radicalized, why then do we insist that importing these same benefits to the Muslim world will eliminate its even more ingrained form of "radicalization"?
After all, the mainstream position, the only one evoked by politicians, both Democrat and Republican, is that all the sacrifices America makes in the Muslim world (Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.), will pay off once Muslims discover how wonderful Western ways are, and happily slough off their Islamist veneer, which, as the theory goes, is a product of--you guessed it--a lack of democracy, liberty, prosperity, and freedom of expression. Yet here are American Muslims, immersed in the bounties of the West--and still do they turn to violent jihad....
Read it all.
Posted by Robert
MUST SEE! What educated Arab leaders really think of the so-called
And even more importantly, what they advise Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu to do with them. (Watch to the end) Ever wonder what educated
Arabs t...
32 minutes ago
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