An interesting post from www.Alipac.US about Texas's sanctuary city Bill. This follows this post about the shooter of Gabrielle Giffords and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso. On a related note, you can read about Miss Kentucky Latina here, an interesting article about Jessica Alba here or another article about Salma Hayek here. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
TX - Perry gives emergency status to sanctuary city bill
Posted on Wednesday, January 12
Topic: State Laws Immigration illegal legal
AUSTIN – Only minutes after being sworn in on the opening day of the 82nd session of the Texas Legislature, lawmakers heard Gov. Rick Perry give emergency status to legislation ending so-called sanctuary cities for undocumented immigrants in Texas.
That is just one of the big issues that drew crowds so big State Fire Marshall's Office made sure the crowds remained safe as hundreds of Texans clamored to get a spot in the House viewing gallery.
The line to get in stretched from the door of the House, down two flights of stairs, and in to a hallway.
January 11, 2011
Martin Bartlett
KVUE Television, Inc., a subsidiary of Belo Corp.
One conservative protester, who would not give his name, was wearing the state flag of Arizona. He believes Texas should follow that state's lead on dealing with illegal immigration.
“I owe my children every ounce of struggle I can to make their home secure, safe, honorable and living under this Constitution,” he said.
Linda Chavez is deputy state chair of the League of United Latin American citizens. She said her organization will be at the Capitol, too, for the rest of the session, fighting on the other side of the immigration issue.
"The bills that they are proposing to pass are, to us, against the Latino community in this state,” Chavez said.
Shortly after noon, the House was down to business. Secretary of State Hope Andrade gaveled the House in to session.
All 150 members of the House of Representatives took the oath of office, administered by the chief clerk of the Texas House.
For the first time in decades, Republicans hold a so-called super majority in the House.
Members re-elected Joe Straus from San Antonio as Speaker of the House. He won bi-partisan support, with an overwhelming vote of 132 to 15. Straus pledged bi-partisanship.
"Members, I hope you will work with me to make the Texas House a place where decent and honorable people will want to come and serve our state. A place where we can learn from the differences that make up our great state without letting the divide us,” Straus said.
Later in the afternoon, Perry addressed the House membership.
"While the budget is our top priority, there are some other pressing issues that have waited too long,” Perry said.
Perry gave emergency status to legislation which would reform the state's laws concerning imminent domain and private property rights.
Perry also strongly endorsed legislation which allows state and local law enforcement to crackdown on illegal immigration.
That assures legislators will give those issues a high-priority and that millions of Texans will be watching.
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