A timely post from www.NumbersUSA.com about the Senate vote on Funding the lawsuit against Arizona. This follows this post about the Senate race in Arizona and this post about the MURDER of ROBERT KRENTZ, who the protestors and boycotters won't give a solution for, but will call Americans racist for trying to prevent another MURDER, and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso. For more interesting stories like this click here to follow this blog.
Thanks to all of you who have been phoning and faxing Senators to force a vote. You succeeded and surprised most of us. (See the vote tally below.) The vote was on an amendment by Sen. DeMint to forbid the use of funds to press the Obama Administration's suit to block the Arizona enforcement law. A vote against the amendment was a vote against states doing something about the illegal populations taking jobs from legal residents and driving up the taxpayer burden.
ACTION: Call the pro-illegal-alien Senators at 202-224-3121 and protest their vote. Please go to your Action Board over the next few hours as we put up phone talking-point notes and faxes for you. This roll call vote was very important so we could put these Senators on public record. Now we have a roll call record of those U.S. Senators who oppose the Arizona enforcement law that polls show is one of the most popular public policies in America now. While most Americans of all types like the idea of states acting to help enforce existing federal immigration laws and policies, 55 U.S. Senators voted to protect funding of federal lawsuits to handcuff states. "Our federal government should be doing its job securing the borders, rather than trying to bully and intimidate the people of Arizona," DeMint said in support of his amendment. The vote was 55-43 against the DeMint amendment.
5 Democrats voted FOR consideration of the amendment and for state enforcement:
Max Baucus (D-MT)
John Tester (D-MT)
Mark Pryor (D-AR)
Blanche Lincoln (D-AR)
Ben Nelson (D-NE)
Those of you in Arkansas, Montana and Nebraska will see ways to thank these Senators on your Action Board. And all the rest of us in the country thank the NumbersUSA activists in those three states for doing such a good job of helping these Senators understand what their constituents want on this issue and then doing it. All other Democrats (except Bayh of Indiana who didn't vote) voted NO on the amendment, taking the pro-illegal-alien position.
2 Republicans voted AGAINST consideration of the amendment and against state enforcement: George Voinovich (R-OH)
Mike Johanns (R-NE)
Voinovich is a lame duck Senator who has always been a problem for us. We really are depending on you members in Ohio to put more pressure on both the Republican and Democratic candidates to promise a more pro-worker immigration position than Voinovich has provided. None of your candidates at this moment is particularly promising. The time to make any difference with them is now while they are running. All other Republicans (except Vitter of Lousiana who didn't vote) voted YES on the amendment, taking the pro-state-enforcement position. It is very important than all NO voters feel some constituent pain for what they did on this.
Be sure to check your Action Board for opportunities for action.
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