A very interesting post from www.jihadwatch.org about the Mosque in Staten Island.This follows this post about the Dutch government giving money to the Ground Zero mosque. This follows this post about a domestic link to al-Qaeda's magazine Inspire and this article about the recent news about the ban offshore drilling which would encourage American energy independence This is a key issue to prevent money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more posts like this click here.
Victory: Catholic Church cancels sale of Staten Island convent to Muslim Brotherhood
In the video above, you can watch what happened when I asked a spokesman for this mosque about the connections of his group, the Muslim American Society, to the Muslim Brotherhood, and about the support for Hamas of MAS leader Mahdi Bray.
Victory! This just in from my SIOA colleague Pamela Geller:
I just received word that the board voted NO. There will be no mosque in Midland. The Saint Margaret Mary Church will not be converted into a Muslim Brotherhood project.
NYC Councilman Oddo confirmed the NO vote by the Board of Trustees.
News just broke that the Catholic Church has reversed and and canceled the sale of the convent in Midland Beach to AMS.
This is now a textbook case on how to fight Islamic supremacists.
Statement on Saint Margaret Mary Parish
Father Keith Fennessy, pastor of Saint Margaret Mary parish on Staten Island, announced in June that after careful consideration he was withdrawing his support for the planned sale of the parish convent to the Muslim American Society.
The trustees of the parish have met, as legally required under New York State law, and voted to ratify the pastor's decision.
The Muslim American Society has been informed that the sale of the convent will not take place....
Be sure to read it all.
Posted by Robert
GOOD FOR AMERICA: The enemy within is now the Democrat Party
Keep up the good work, Democrats. You’ve managed to offend millions in your
voter base. The Democrat Party: The Enemy Within? By Amil Imani The
Democrat pa...
1 hour ago
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