A very interesting post from www.jihadwatch.org about Mecca contrasted with the burqa ban in France. This follows this post analyizing the current state of the Middle East and this article about the recent news about the ban offshore drilling which would encourage American energy independence This is a key issue to prevent money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more posts like this click here.
Muslims say total ban on non-Muslims in Mecca violates human rights and religious freedom -- no, wait... click the link to see the entrance sign to Mecca
Actually, they are just fine with the ban on non-Muslims in Mecca. That's not any infringement on human rights. Human rights are only infringed when Muslims are asked to conform to the mores of the non-Muslim lands to which they have come. "Muslims say the total veil ban violates human rights and religious freedom," from Asia News, July 14 (thanks to C. Cantoni):
Beirut (AsiaNews) - The French law banning the veil covering the face (burqa and niqab) could give rise to a new wave of Islamophobia and state racism. This is the harsh condemnation of the President of the 'Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC), Masood Shadjareh, to the initial approval by the French parliament of a law that requires women to have their faces uncovered in all public places.
Shadjareh's reaction, in an interview with official Iranian agency IRNA, is the harshest yet from the Muslim world that criticizes the violation of religious freedom and respect for Islamic culture, but above all which seems to be waiting for the Constitutional Court or European institutions to condemn these violations, although there are those who evoke the memory of Nazi persecution....
Of course. But never mind that the real neo-Nazis are all on the side of the jihad.
Posted by Robert
GOOD FOR AMERICA: The enemy within is now the Democrat Party
Keep up the good work, Democrats. You’ve managed to offend millions in your
voter base. The Democrat Party: The Enemy Within? By Amil Imani The
Democrat pa...
1 hour ago
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