In one book, you can see almost all of the threats to America - Islamist terrorism, Immigration, and Left-Wing Indoctrination and slanting of history. It does seem that the Sleeping Giant is beginning to wake up, but is it too late?? Click the headline below to get it from Amazon, or here to get it from your library http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/191079443. This book has EXCELLENT reference footnotes!!!
While America Sleeps: How Islam, Immigration and Indoctrination Are Destroying America From Within
Table of Contents
An Economy in Hock
La Reconquista (the Reconquering, Mexico has gotten all the way back to the Guadalupe-Hidalgo line)
Absolishing Self-Defense
Subordinating Ourselves
Subordinating Our Culture
Subordinating Our Country
An Ideology of Submission
Enforcing the Ideology
Disabling Americans
Spreading the Ideology
Can America Be Saved?
Reclaiming the Individual
Reclaiming the Economy
Reclaiming the Government
If All Else Fails
This is one book you ignore at your own risk,
By bookloversfriend (United States) -
See all my reviews(TOP 1000 REVIEWER)
The emphasis in this book is on HOW: how militant Islamists get into the U. S., how they spread to cities and towns throughout the U.S., how they persuade us they are moderates, how they operate inside the U. S., how they manipulate our laws to protect their activities, how they exploit "political correctness" to escape detection. Also, how the illegal immigration industry operates, how illegals are bussed to cities and towns throughout the U. S., how they are financed, how they have teams of free lawyers standing by to manipulate the laws of the U. S. to avoid deportation. The INDOCTRINATION chapters include a detailed analysis of "political correctness" (which this book calls "Dhimmism" but might more properly be called "postliberalism"). We all use the term "political correctness" and think we know what it means, but most people have only a vague idea what it is, and we need to know. This book tells you in detail what it is and what it is not, how and why it developed, how it is enforced, and how it is spread. The book tells you how colleges, schools, news media, law schools, courts and Hollywood came to be dominated by "political correctness", how more and more people are being indoctrinated into this new ideology, and how the minds of people so indoctrinated actually work, including why it is impossible to reason with them. Your own children and grandchildren are being indoctrinated every day, not only in school, but from TV, pop/rock/rap music, and other sources. Most urgently, the book tells you how "political correctness" protects the militant Islamists and illegal immigrants and guarantees that nothing will be done to stop them. If you think somebody or other is taking care of these problems or will take care of them, then you need to read this book to find out you're living in a dream. If you think the government is so strong that you don't need to worry, then you're part of the sleeping America. People are already being hurt in many ways, but the worst is yet to come. The situation is not hopeless--not yet, but it will be in the near future if most people continue to be misinformed. Give a copy to everyone you love.
Do We Really Care?,Book & Music Lover (Louisville, Kentucky USA)
- See all my reviews
"While America Sleeps" Islam, and every little organized crime cult from all over the world is getting it's cookies here. Sleeper cells? YES. Immigration is allowing a destruction to this once mighty country from within. Worse yet we are helping. We do not read, we allow our news media to tell us anything without question. For example 9/11, and we allow ourselves to be led by the nose by a collection of "Career Politicians" whose only true motivation is to stay in office long enough to collect a pension. People who will sell their Grandmothers for a buck. We have those who say immigration is good for America. On its face yes. But the "Clowns" in charge of our system have no clue as to what is really happening to this country. Even now we are trying to figure out how to allow more Iraqi citizens into this country, and for what? Because we went into a country on the word of some "Cowboy" because we allowed him to be president. So now because we have destroyed their way of life we now feel the need to take care of these "Enemies." So now they will move here, and plot to destroy us as well. How cool is that? Yes America we are asleep, and if we have another 9/11 type of an attack we have only ourselves to blame, we will not wake up. Our schools, are going to pot, because of such things as English as a second language, and we print such things as voting forms with the waste of tax payer money in languages other than English, because the newly arrived do not bother to learn to speak English. We give away the right for our children to learn music, art, physical education, basic health, and now even history, because we have to use money to accomadate the newly arrived. Should not the responsibility for learning English lie with the newly arrived? Why cannot the immigrant hit the ground running, pay their own freight because they want to live here? Why should not someone from another country, who wants to live here in this country bare the entire cost of resettlement? Not to mention the people who come here as tourist, from Europe, or walked across one of our "Swiss Cheese" borders, and just blend in. Use our health care, our emergency rooms, our schools, any, and all government services, and we pay. All this is destroying what we call America. This nonscense about not asking a person's legal status is bulls**t. All, and I mean all Law Enforcement needs to be responsible for the protection of this nation. I do not care if you are a school administrator, nurse, doctor, policeman or every day citizen, this is our home, and we need to protect said home. Harmless? I think not. Please start reading America, get involved, this is your home, and the government is determined to trash it for you. And because these immigrants come here pregnant have their children here should not mean they the new born become citizens automatically. No better way to start than to read "While America Sleeps", see what and how we are loosing our happy home. We the taxpayers, the citizens of America need to take to the streets, as they did to protest the Vietnam War and protest the way this government conducts immigration. Just the same way the illegal people from Mexico, and Central America performed last Spring. We Americans need to do the same, until the "Boobs" in Washington listen. There should not be a new immigtrant admitted to this nation until some commonsense is brought to bare. And let us make sure the "Tidal Wave" of illegal immigration is ended, by putting teeth in the laws already on the books, and start to arrest those who hire people who are not in this nation leagally. You think?
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