An urgent post from about this poor girl who will be killed or at least tortured when she goes back.
US court capitulates to Sharia, sending apostate Rifqa Bary back to father who threatened to kill her
Marisol has already posted about this, but I just got in from speaking in Los Angeles and found out about it, and so here are a few additional remarks. This is an outrage with numerous ominous implications. A terrible day for religious freedom in the U.S., and a capitulation to Sharia and the stealth jihad that will come back to haunt us.
"Religious Runaway To Be Sent To Ohio Foster Home," from, October 13 (thanks to Jeffrey Imm):
ORLANDO, Fla. -- A teenager who said she fled to Orlando from her Ohio home to escape religious persecution will be sent to a foster home in Ohio, a judge ruled on Tuesday.That is only temporary. After 30 days, if I understand correctly, she will be sent home. Will she be killed then? Almost certainly not. The likely possibility is that once the media attention subsides, she will be returned to Sri Lanka, where she will be killed or institutionalized.
Rifqa Bary, 17, made national headlines when she fled from her parents' home because she claimed they planned to kill her for converting to Christianity. Bary posted a video on YouTube calling her parents radical.
A Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigated Rifqa Bary's claims and found no evidence she would be a victim of an honor killing if she were returned home. There was also no evidence of assault or abuse.
What would constitute such evidence? Do they even know what to look for? Why was CAIR present when the FDLE spoke to Rifqa's parents?
A Florida judge on Tuesday said Rifqa will be returned to Ohio once her parents meet two conditions. First, the Barys must [show] they are in the U.S. legally. The judge said he asked the couple for their immigration papers three months ago and has only seen a partial VISA and an incomplete passport. The judge said a contempt of court charge is a possibility if he doesn't get the paperwork.
Second, the Barys must prove that the teenager can continue the virtual high school program she began in Florida while in Ohio.
Bary's parents have filed a criminal complaint against the Central Florida pastors who assisted their daughter.
A very, very sad day for free people.
Pamela Geller is there and will be posting updates over at Atlas Shrugs, which I will link here.
UPDATE: Maybe there is some hope. See Pamela's report here.
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