An interesting post from about the percentage of terrorism commited in the name of Islam, and a good answer to those who talk about non-Muslim terrorism!
"Since Muslims make up 20% of the world's population, their involvement in over 50% of the world's terrorist groups is telling and troubling"
But it is "Islamophobic" to notice, doncha know.
"An(other) Inconvenient Truth--about Terrorism," by Timothy Rhea Furnish for the History News Network, October 19 (thanks to the astounding Kathy Shaidle):
So, just over half the world's terrorist organizations are Muslim in origin and function. No other religious ideology is close--not even, most notably, Christianity (with its 2 billion+ membership, you'd think more would be involved in violence, wouldn't you?). Since Muslims make up 20% of the world's population, their involvement in over 50% of the world's terrrorist [sic] groups is telling and troubling--and something the NIS is loathe to admit, thus tainting its claim to "know...the nature of the threats."
Read it all.
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