Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Alec Baldwin’s Race Card Game

An interesting post from about racism being falsely thrown around in Hollywood.

Alec Baldwin’s Race Card Game
by James Hudnall
After enduring another self immolating Bill Maher monologue on “Real Time with Bill Maher,” Alec Baldwin was asked if Rush Limbaugh is a racist. To which Alec fell into that trap so many of his peers have in recent days:
“I think you need to always distinguish the rank and file of the Republican Party and conservatives and voters from their media representation and media stars and I believe that the people who are in the media and prominent in the media in the conservative community, speaking on behalf of the Republican Party, have a very clear racist stripe through their commentary, consistently. Not just Limbaugh but all of those people. But I don’t think that their rank and file Republicans are like that.”
Well, at least he didn’t accuse all Republicans. I guess he wanted them to keep some of them watching his show.
If there’s a sure fire way to look old and busted in today’s media world it’s to make the sweeping generalization that people who disagree with your politics are racist. It’s such a 20th Century argument. Calling someone a racist with no proof is hack. It’s like calling someone evil just because they don’t agree with you. Oh, wait–the race card hustlers do that too! They look for any evidence they can, no matter how vague or slight, to blow up into an incident. And if they can’t find one, well, they just make it up.
None of the quotes attributed to Limbaugh were proven and in fact, they were retracted by the people who made the accusation.
But Baldwin, ever late to the game, had to throw it out there again. Way to be current, Alec! Got any Spiro Agnew accusations while you’re at it?
But let’s not pick on poor Alec, he’s not alone in his dated and lame arguments, We can add such youthful and hip (replacement candidates) as Jimmy Carter, Charlie Rangel, Maureen Dowd, Charlie Gibson, Bill Maher, Janeane Garofalo and Maxine Waters to the race card tournament. Just to name a few.
They want us to believe that anyone who disagrees with President Obama is a racist because he’s black. Hmm…that’s odd. Only two years ago the lefties didn’t think he was. That’s the power of magical thinking. You can change people’s color or invent quotes from thin air just by wishing them to be.
But it still makes you look like fools for doing it.
Fortunately, the president wisely came out and said that the critics of his policies are mostly not attacking him because of his race. He’s correct.
But there is a racist component here. And it’s actually coming from race card holders. They’re attacking Obama’s critics because of their race. They’re assuming that they’re all white. This is wrong for two reasons.
1. Not all of them are white, so in their minds, any Black, Asian, Latinos in the mix must be “race traitors,” which is a racist term.
2. It’s racist to assume white people’s motivations are always racist when it comes to people of color. A common claim from race card hustlers.
If white people were so racist they never would have abolished slavery, in fact, it’s an insult to the many who fought and died to end slavery. Oh, and by the way, the Republican party was founded on an abolition platform. President Abe Lincoln was a Republican.
If whites were so racist, they wouldn’t have voted for civil rights. Oh, and by the way, civil rights laws wouldn’t have passed without the help of Republicans. Many Democrats voted against the bills.
Oh, and by the way, it was progressive President Woodrow Wilson who segregated our military in the early 20th Century. He was a Democrat. Don’t you hate it when that happens? So was President Johnson who enslaved a several generations to the welfare state, which among other things devastated the black family. Progressives, and their social engineering. It has fail written all over it.
Calling Republicans racist when their current leader is black is as lame as calling Limbaugh a racist based on fabricated quotes that were already retracted.
Racism used to be such a radioactive thing. But because the left has so overplayed their hand, and used the race card to the point of hilarity, they’ve almost rendered it inert. People used to be cowed by the racism charge. Now they’re fighting back. Soon they will laugh at it. They risk making it cool to be called racist, when it’s lame-os that like to throw the term around.
When the left loses one of its most potent weapons, it becomes a laughing stock. It becomes the target of backlash.
They are the establishment now. They can’t blame Republicans now. The Democrats are in charge. As such, they can no longer hide behind the skirts of the oppressed. They are the oppressors.
Let’s face it, white guilt is based on a lie. Yes, you heard that right.
No other Western nation would have voted for a black man before America did. America is the least racist nation on earth. Why else do people of every color want to flock here?
Those who keep bringing up slavery and other things from generations past conveniently ignore the fact that those conditions were everywhere. Not just America. In many instances, it was much worse than here. In fact, slavery still exists in many other nations. At least America worked hard to change and improve ourselves. We’re ahead of the world in that regard.
The next time some politician or celebrity throws out the race card, they’ve revealed their irrelevance. They are old and busted.
The new hotness is to make them regret ever using it.

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