The Worst Pundits EVER!
How could I have missed this? An opportunity for an easy dunk on the
Lincoln Project? But in the aftermath of the 2024 election, there was just
so much sch...
That Delrin Bracket
I made it out of Delrin, not carbon fiber composite (CFC) for three reasons.
1. because I thought I would need to make a bearing in which to rotate the
Another Great New Bon Iver Track: "Walk Home"
Can we stay inside this place? Pull me close up to your face Honey, I just
want the taste Gimme right away There’s just no more I can say sometimes
It’s mo...
TPC Visits Germany and Ireland
Here’s an hour by hour breakdown of the March 15 broadcast: Radio Show Hour
1 Sascha Roßmüller, a journalist for the print magazine Deutsche Stimme,
Whatever You Do, Don’t Evict an Imam
An imam in Catalonia didn’t pay his rent, so he was evicted. The local
Islamic community didn’t take too kindly to that imposition, and set about
Trump Is Expanding Travel Bans in the Age of AI
President Donald Trump is reportedly considering a sweeping expansion of
U.S. travel restrictions, affecting 41 countries, according to sources
cited in ...
Industrial Espionage Built America – History Video!
This Dick Morris Lunch Alert! is sponsored by Patriot Gold Group. Click
Here to give me your thoughts and continue the discussion. Please forward
this emai...
Will BlackRock Revive Social Security Reform?
Earlier this week mega asset manager BlackRock hosted a high-profile public
event in Washinton, D.C. focused on retirement savings, with several A-list
How Trump Could Save the Afrikaners
After decades of betrayal by the West.
The post How Trump Could Save the Afrikaners appeared first on American
2025 Festival Planning Brochure
The 2025 Festival Planning Brochure is now available for download. Click
the link "Downloads" to the right and click on the file to download a pdf
copy of ...
Weekend Open Thread
[guest post by Dana] Let’s go! First news item An interesting look at the
disappearance of the WASP, and how no one noticed: [T]here is no way back
to an A...
The Slow Coup, Part 8
(Steve A. Stone) - Originally written March 6, 2017 I assume most of you
heard about the Washington Post article claiming Jeff Sessions lied to
Congress in...
“Believe! Believe! Believe!”
I’m not sure where I saw this. It was a clip of Anthony Hopkins on some
late-night talk show. The host asked, “If you had one piece of advice to
give a y...
Slavery, Abolition, and Islam:
Bashir signals his outlook in the first paragraph: "Let us for a moment
imagine a world in which Muslim seminaries are training scholars to
actively challe...
R.J. Stove has an essay in the latest issue of the Observer & Review titled *American
Academy's Khrushchev Moment*. In it he mentions a Russian scientist ...
Trump v Anderson Ballot Access Case
In late 2023, a number of state secretaries of state and partisan actors
attempted an end-run around the Constitution, in an attempt to keep Donald
Trump o...
The Meaning of Trump’s Victory
This was a change election that was made amazingly close by voters wanting
the middle class to govern, not the richest and for women to have equal
rights. ...
Becoming United & Thankful
After a tough, divisive, and historic presidential election, Kelly Wright
focuses on how Americans are seeking to become more united. Christina Tobin
Good looks and the Trump campaign
Two prominent figures in the Trump campaign are RFK Jr and JD Vance
In my judgment both are very good looking men in a manly way and will
appeal to older...
Help Charlie the Dachshund Get Back Surgery!
*My best friend is Charlie, a seven-year-old dachshund.* I adopted him two
years ago. In mid-Sept 2024, his back began to cause him excruciating pain. *He...
* Over 3 Million Students Are Homeschooled*
Brian D. Ray, president of the National Home Education Research Institute
(NHERI) — a non-profit group that c...
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then
start writing!
The post Hello world! first appeared on Just another WordPress site.
X PRIZE for Longevity
I've been wondering for a long time why we haven't seen anything like this:
X PRIZE Healthspan. The XPRIZE Foundation is proud to announce its newest
Conversations With Cabbies
Many a foreign correspondent, sent to an obscure country of which he knows
nothing but which has suddenly drawn the world’s attention to itself by a
Steps To Write A Music Album Launch Press Release
## Introduction This document is a step-by-step guide to writing a music
album launch press release. It is designed to be used as a template for
your own...
The Suppression of Truth in American Universities
How DEI Is Supplanting Truth as the Mission of American Universities An
obsession with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion threatens students,
professors, and ...
Tips for decorating your home
Having a healthy home is not only that our house does not use more energy
than necessary or that noise or dust does not cross the borders of our
home. Al...
New York Times to Biden—Time to Go!
When President Joe Biden retired in Rehoboth Beach on Saturday night, he
likely did not expect to find a severed horse’s head under his bed covers.
But t...
‘Every weld is a challenge’
Philadelphia schools are focusing career-tech training on preparing
students to move from high school to apprenticeships and skilled jobs,
reports Chalkbea...
How Many Will Be Saved? (Updated 4-3-2022)
We have had little traffic here of late. This post is meant to get some
commentary and useful debate. There have been any number of discussions
online abou...
How To Get Free Chips In Bingo Bash
How To Get Free Chips In Bingo Bash. Get free spins, coins, chips, etc.
Hunting for promo codes on facebook: How to get free chips and coins in
Bingo Bash....
Top Slot Machine Secrets
Hello comrade. Are you ready for some debriefing? In this article, I expose
some of the slots’ best-kept secrets. By the time you’re done reading, you
How to euthanize a dog at home with insulin?
To euthanize your dog at home is not an easy task. Seeing your loved ones
departing in front of your eyes is the most painful thing. But, sometimes,
we n...
Thank You
[image: 11032021Thanks1]
Thank you for supporting my work. As you know, my work is vital,
difficult, and sometimes – well, in wars, dangerous.
There ...
Cara Merusak Penglihatan Anda
Kita selalu berbicara tentang latihan mata untuk meningkatkan penglihatan,
atau latihan mata untuk meningkatkan kesehatan mata, tetapi bagaimana
dengan b...
Ford Automotive Assembly Robots Get an Upgrade
Once upon a time, there was an implied contract between business and labor:
employees supplied their energy and knowledge to build things for which
Volvo advertising: America ......and Poland
Diversity isn't your strength. It lowers your wages, marginalises your
culture, increases your crime, fills your hospitals, occupies your housing,
ruins ...
Health Benefits of eating chocolate
Chocolate is hard to resist and it is probably the tastiest of all sweets.
Beside from the fact that it can make your heart happy with its sweet
taste, c...
50+ Ideas to Start a Successful Blog
When you start a blog whether or not you succeed in it depends on the
foundation you have built from the start. Blogging now is far more than
what is use...
We Are Now At Texas Scorecard!
Friends have told me the predominate rumor around the Capitol this summer
has been that Empower Texans is going away. […]
The post We Are Now At Texas Sc...
A good run: Overlawyered, 1999-2020
I published the first Overlawyered post on July 1, 1999, and I expect this
post on May 31, 2020 will be the last. As someone in the entertainment
world o...
The glorious lawn of Mottisfont Abbey
One of the National trusts prime sites in Hampshire is the property of
Mottisfont Abbey. It is known exclusively for its Rose Gardens. However it
has a t...
Your Voters Are Smarter Than That
If I lived in El Paso and was paid a pittance to live in Austin and drink
beer for about 140 days last year... and tried to slip a stranger into a an
open ...
Working Politics
The editorial team at the *Ripon Forum* invited me to contribute an
analysis of the political effects of populism to their latest issue. I
argued that bot...
‘Whiteness: There is No Permanent Cure’
Psychoanalyst describes symptoms and treatment.
The post ‘Whiteness: There is No Permanent Cure’ appeared first on American
Mrs. Maisel goes full Alinsky on Mrs. Schlafly
This article was first published at Da Tech Guy Blog SPOILERS AHEAD Alinsky
rule #13“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
Pamela G...
French Rescue Four Hostages Lose Two Soldiers
Viva Liberty! French commandos rescued four foreign hostages including two
French citizens from a militant group in Burkina Faso, France's military
said on...
Nya drönare leverar medicin och räddar liv i Ghana
Runt om i världen är det ofta svårt att få medicin och vaccin från centrala
lagringsanläggningar till avlägsna sjukhus och vårdcentraler. I många fall,
om ...
Mueller Report
They found no evidence of collusion, a noncrime, but the implication was
Trump was treasonous. Of course they didn’t. The whole thing was a set up
to beg...
Critical Thinking for Dummies
Are we at a time and place when critical thinking has become an anomaly?
Sure seems like it. It's not being taught or encouraged in public schools
or li...
A Simple “Thank You” That Makes a Big Difference
A few years ago I learned something that has changed my life. Maybe it has
changed the lives of others too, at least a bit. What I learned was a
simple kin...
Trump the racist?
I was sitting in a hotel dining area in Texas eating breakfast when I heard
Donald Trump announce on the television behind me his intention to run for
the ...
There is a kind of work which any man can do, but from which many men
shrink, generally because it is very hard work, sometimes because they fear
it will...
America: Is the Tea Party over?
America began with a tea party. It ended with Jews blowing up our penises
on September 11, 2001. Our White male patriarchy penises. But a new one has
How to Stop Mueller Witch Hunt
By Charles Benninghoff – LAS VEGAS, NV – We can expect the anti-Trump
forces that run strong & deep in the so-called Deep State to burst forth
with a huge ...
The Treaty of Versailles imposed conditions to end World War I, a war
between Germany and its allies versus the western Europe and its allies,
later known ...
*Is Love Colorblind?*
by Steve Sailer
Published in *National Review*, July 14, 1997
*While interracial marriage is increasingly accepted by whites, a
Split Between Left And Right Is A Vicious Cycle
See Scott Alexander's post on Slate Star Codex titled Neutral Vs.
Conservative: The Eternal Struggle. I can only guess how bad Fox News talk
shows are beca...
How to Save Your Life (and, Perhaps, the World)
Please read in order, since each post builds on previous ones. That’s a lot
to read! Why should I bother? How YOU Can PROFIT From Feminism! Video: The
The mobile phone market is teeming with a large number of brands, which
have been capable of gaining worldwide recognition. Similar to other, this
Raul Castro Squandered His Last Chance
14ymedio, Generation Y, Yoani Sanchez, Havana, 22 March 2017 — A year ago
Cuba had a once in a lifetime opportunity. US President Barack Obama came
to the ...
Pesen Nopol Cantik itu Bebas Biaya sebenarnya
Telah jadi rahasia umum kalau pilih nomer pilihan atau nomer cantik,
sebelumnya ada PP itu, dikenai cost. Tetapi Indra menepis hal semacam itu.
" Itu mungk...
HTC Desire HD Overview
The HTC Desire HD is part of the popular Desire range of Android phones
which also includes the HTC Desire and the HTC Desire Z handsets. The
Desire HD inc...
Perusvippi Provide You A Fast Online Loans
All would like to get well settled in your life and enjoy your life with
your family so that you have to earn lot and the most important thing that
you n...
Victory for Christmas at Public School
For nearly 50 years Concord High School in Elkhart, Indiana, has featured a
live nativity scene as part of its annual Christmas show, which it calls
the “C...
It's Time For School Choice In Texas!
*VIDEO: Part 1 of 3.*
Texas has some of the best public schools in the country. Some of the
highest graduation rates in America. Some of the highest stan...
Islamic Jihad Comes to Orlando Gay Club
A heart wrenching, horrendous shooting at an Orlando, Florida nightclub
(well known as a gay bar) has left at least 50 people dead and over 50
individuals ...
Donald, You're Tired ... Time to Move On
Silly pictures with taco salads and narrow-minded comments? Hey, it's not
that uncommon on social media, maybe we'll give him a pass ...
Stupid close m...
God Has Given Use the Pearl of Great Price
Greetings from the San Francisco Bay Area on November 12, 2015.
The news shows a crisis in leadership and a time when just about everything
is unbelie...
Labour Leadership candidates on immigration
On July 25th the final hustings of the 2015 labour leadership election were
held in Warrington. During the course of the hustings the candidates were
Carmen Harlan Is Dangerous?
Who could possibly find fault with Carmen Harlan? Lonnie Scott of Progress
Michigan, that’s who, when he accused Harlan of “racial profiling at its
Update Your RSS FEED
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This feed will no longer be available. New RSS feed is at
Update Your RSS FEED
- has updated and a new RSS Feed is available for your feed readers.
This feed will no longer be available. New RSS feed is at
Run For Peace?
[image: Duly Noted]
Does this sound like an admonition? Such as in “run for good health”. Since
the writer has experienced the University of Oregon’s legen...
I'm from the government and I'm here to help
If you run a business you know how hard it is to keep up with changes and
regulations including those of the forward thinkers at OSHA.
If you have run a bu...
Confronting Terrorism
[image: Confront Terrorism]
Confronting Terrorism
Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long
and hard the road may be;...
Best Wall Paint Colour Ireland
Exterior Home Design: Living Rooms With Green PaintPaint Colors Ideas for
LivingInterior Green Color Painting Ideas For Painting Walls | Modern wa...
Obama Making Hamas As Close As Honduras
By: Charles BenninghoffObama’s executive power abuse has yet to end. His
plan to enact a massive amnesty program that will hand the equivalent of
Insulting Saint Stephen
In a country where it often feels as if nothing is sacred any longer, it's
good to know that the authorities are on top of the most important issues
of the...
Obamacare Navigator Director Is an Illegal
*by Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch (Shared on Right Side News)*:
In the ultimate insult to Americans, an illegal immigrant who proudly
defies U.S...
France Fights Public School Islamism
By Deborah Weiss
FrontPage Magazine
September 13, 2013
Secular France wants nothing to do with religion. Yet, it has been forced
to grapple with its incre...
Stinky Numbers?
[image: bu010337.jpg]
A new report is out from the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life surveying
political attitudes in the United States by religious group...
*Mexican elementary age school children are walking across the U.S.-Mexican
border to attend school in the U.S., then walking back home across the
border t...
Gates of Vienna Has Moved
[image: Time to go!]After being taken down twice by Blogger within a single
week, we got the message:
*It’s Time To Go.*
Gates of Vienna has moved to...
Rabbi Daniel Lapin
Rabbi Lapin is a best-selling author and entertaining Biblical Scholar. He
spoke to students at Young America's Foundation's 2011 Reagan Ranch High
School ...
Family Day Today
Today is "Family Day"--a day we should be eating a meal together with our
The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia Unive...
Daniel Nava gun show
Boston Red Sox outfielder Daniel Nava – who jacked a grand slam in his
first major league at-bat in 2010 – was the guest star of an event at
Fenway Park or...
Second Holy Communion
The best Mother's Day gift came last week when my two little girls made
their First Holy Communion. We were so glad that my mom was here and the
girls were...
Essentials of Handling Sales Manager Jobs
Wherever you are, sales manager jobs are abundant in most any economy. A
superior sales director or sales associate, with a proven track
confirmation, is c...
Obama Scam Paves Way for Abortion Mandate
National Right to Life Committee: New Obama Scam (You Must Pay, But Nobody
Pays) Lays Groundwork for Future National Abortion Mandate WASHINGTON– In
We've Moved
We hit our five year anniversary this past weekend and it's been a nice run
here.Now we'll be blogging at a new home. Be sure to bookmark and update
any li...
by Jerry Mintz AERO staff members are now at the International Democratic
Education Conference in Devon, England. The IDEC has been an annual event
since 1...
To all those friends I never met
If all goes according to plan, I shall be entering a hospice for cancer
care. I wish I knew how to show my appreciation for all the fine minds I
was able t...
What Is Real?
Watch this amazing Stargate Studios Video [a few times]. Yes, we know what
we “see” on television is not “real”…. But question, how much is REALLY not
Women Of Valor (אשת חיל מי ימצא)
22 of the Tenth Month 5771
אֵשֶׁת-חַיִל, מִי יִמְצָא; וְרָחֹק מִפְּנִינִים מִכְרָהּ. מִשְׁלֵי לא,י
A woman of valor who can find? for her price is far abov...
State of START
Despite concerns that the new START’s preamble contains language that links
our strategic missile offense with defense, the U.S. Senate voted 59-37 to
This Site Has Moved
Please go *HERE*, then update your blogroll to the new URL.
Comments here are now closed.
I'm moving my site because I'm fed up with the Echo comments syst...
Dear Friends, This is my final entry for the Horse Race Blog here at
RealClearPolitics. Starting later this week, I will begin work at The
Weekly Standard....
An Announcement
Michael Blowhard writes: Dear Friends -- You imagine it can't happen to
you, and then it does. Here's why 2Blowhards disappeared: Our webhost,
who'd given ...
The "Is It Worth It?" Media Filter Test
The "Is It Worth It?" Media Filter Test
Ask yourself this:
• What does this media choice promote? Is it in line with God's way?
If yes, keep going.
• Is ...
If You Don't Change Your RSS Feed...
- won't see any new material from me because this one is now dead. I
see that I have thousands of subscribers who use Google Reader, and none of
Farewell Blog...Tine
*Dear Readers,*
We have closed a significant chapter in our lives. Lena had the pleasure of
launching this blog and I now have the displeas...
Hands Off Honduras!
By Pat BuchananLast Saturday, Honduran soldiers marched into the
presidential palace, bundled up President Manuel Zelaya and put him on a
plane for Costa R...
Spilling Tea for the Good of the Country
While I have watched the evolution of the Tea Party movement – I have to
say to myself – is this the extent of our willingness to be vigilant over
the prot...
Preserving ‘Harmony’ for Islamic Radicals
Geert Wilders is barred from entering the United Kingdom. By Andrew C.
McCarthy It has come to this: If you are an Islamic radical, trained to
carry out te...
Dishonest and Deceptive
I don't know if you heard Obama's speech yesterday. You can read the whole
thing here. I think it's better to read it than to hear it as it is easy to
get ...
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