Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rifqa Bary Action Alert!

If you haven't been keeping up with this story, it is about a Muslim girl who converted to Christianity and is now under death threats. Of course this has happened before, but the difference is that this time it is occuring in the United States. h/t www.jihadwatch.org !

Rifqa Bary Action Alert!
Latest updates on the case here.
Please contact Gov. Crist and the FL DCF for them to ask the court to keep her in Florida state custody in our Rifqa-related posts.
Here's the contact info:
Governor Charlie Crist's office:
Phone: (850) 488-4441, (850) 488-7146
Fax: (850) 487-0801
Email: Charlie.Crist@MyFlorida.com

Florida Department of Children and Family:
George H. Sheldon, Secretary
1317 Winewood Blvd.
Building 1, Room 202
Tallahassee, Florida
Phone: (850) 487-1111
Fax: (850) 922-2993

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