A Very interesting article from http://www.vdare.com/ about what an ordinary citizen can do about immigration enforcement. See http://brianleesblog.blogspot.com/2009/09/legal-immigrants-and-anchor-babies.html for why this needs to be done.
Reporting Illegal Aliens—2009Update
By Juan Mann
Here we are over eight years after 9/11, and immigration law enforcement in the United States and the deportation of illegal aliens and criminal alien residents is the same as it ever was: woefully inadequate, out-manned, out-gunned, out-foxed, out-lawyered, out-lobbied and practically a non-existent factor in daily American life.
So is America now entering the dark ages of immigration law enforcement?
Let’s read the tea leaves of recent events:The federal immigration officers of the United States during the Bush II and Obama administrations have been prevented from removing the new President of the United States’ illegal alien Auntie, despite her final order of removal. But wait . . . this just in, her case has apparently been reopened before the U.S Department of Justice’s most alien-friendly EOIR Immigration Court system so she can have another shot at winning some form of relief from removal. And on April Fools Day, the court allowed her to stay another year. [Obama’s aunt can stay in U.S. another year, By Jessica Fargen, Boston Herald, April 1, 2009].
As I’ve written before [as documented in VDARE’s Juan Mann Archive and on DeportAliens.com], litigation in the federal immigration bureaucracy is never over until the alien wins.
The federal circuit courts of appeal across the country, assisted by a swarming locust-like plague of immigration lawyers, continue their intellectually revolting hacking away at the poor old de-fanged Immigration and Nationality Act passed fair and square by Congress, all while Congress cowers in the corner, squandering their clear authority over the making of our nation’s immigration laws. Some blankety-blank plenary power that turned out to be!
The Orwellian DHS’ three-headed immigration agency monster CBP/ICE/CIS is as structurally hog-tied, public relations-driven, managerially decadent, and unsuited to responding to the immigration law-enforcement wishes of the American people as ever. Rest assured that the new pants-wearing DHS Secretary in charge of the entire tangle of federal immigration fiefdoms—the unashamedly open-borders former governor of Arizona now holding the post in lieu of a qualified federal law-enforcement official—will make short work of keeping the steady flow of illegal aliens into the United States coming no matter what.
So after all we have been through during twenty years of Bush-Clinton-Bush administrations, and now this, in the face of the continuing same-as-it-ever-was non-enforcement of our immigration laws, what is a patriotic American to do in 2009?
For what it’s worth, I still say: keep reporting those illegal aliens and criminal alien residents!
But how?
In the continuing saga of reporting aliens,, the reporting illegals link on Glenn Spencer’s invaluable American Patrol.com and the frequently-asked questions links on VDARE.com and the are still probably the best how-to sources for blowing the whistle on an uninvited guest workers and other assorted disagreeable illegal alien and criminal alien resident immigration law-breakers.
Again, post this information in a handy place for easy access:
FOR THE BEST WAY TO REPORT AN ILLEGAL ALIEN OR CRIMINAL ALIEN RESIDENT contact the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) division of the Department of Homeland Security by calling (866) DHS-2ICE to "report suspicious activity" (866) 347-242, as listed on the ICE web site.
You also can try calling the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) number to “report suspicious activity” at (800) BE—ALERT, also known as (800) 232-5378.
You can make a report with the DHS/ICE Office of Investigations division in a city near you through the telephone numbers listed for Special Agent-in-Charge (SAC) Offices, and their subordinate field offices called Resident Agent-in-Charge (RAC) and Resident Agent Offices (RAOs).
You can try making a report with one of the local DHS/ICE Detention and Removal offices listed for various field office directors (FODs) nationwide.
You can also try calling the good ‘ol U.S. Border Patrol through a list of nearby Border Patrol Sectors—if you’re so fortunate as to have one close by.
If not, ringing up the DHS/ICE, either the Detention and Removal or Investigations divisions, no matter how seemingly futile, is the only other way.Again,
PLEASE DON'T E-MAIL VDARE.COM WITH SPECIFIC REPORTS!!We have no special powers over these matters...yet!
Needless to say, calling ICE to "report suspicious activity" at (866) 347-2423 or the CBP at (800) 232-5378 provides no guarantee that anything is going to be done with the information. But no one will ever accuse you of not trying to make a difference.And if feckless government fails to respond, the problem is now theirs.They’ll be held accountable in due time.
Juan Mann [email him] is an attorney and the proprietor of DeportAliens.com.
See also
04/01/09 - Whirlwind Or Cancer? Immigration Continues Out Of Control, by Donald A. Collins
03/31/09 - Blue State Case Study: CT Papers Spin New Haven Rape Story, by Paul Streitz
NZZ erklärt: Wenn Staatsschulden zum Problem werden
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1 comment:
Nothing is a 100 percent perfect and that goes for the government application E-Verify? The answer for any irate hired worker is simple, that if the employer is not satisfied with the results of the immigration verification identity process? You take a copy of your 1-9 form to the Social security agency, to resolve the issue? YOU WILL OBVIOUSLY NOT APPEAR BEFORE AN AGENT OF THE GOVERNMENT, IF YOU HAVE NO AUTHENTIC PAPERS? This is not a complex approach to the problem, although the US Chamber of Commerce, ACLU and a multitude of detrimental businesses have tried to escalate this situation? They say categorically nothing about how to rectify the matter, owing to their main objective is to demonize the process any way they can? Even their adolescent attitude of filing some frivolous lawsuit with the courts fell through?
E-Verification--MUST--become a permanent law, not just subject to an employer’s whim? The public who savor their jobs not being appropriated by foreign workers--AS HAPPENED IN EUROPE--should demand E-Verify in every industry, every business with heavy penalties for those who rebuke the law including mandatory jail sentences. EUROPE over several decades has also been overwhelmed by legal and illegal immigrants, thats why health care across the Atlantic has become compromised? E-Verify could be easily expanded for many other uses in the US, including admittance to health care, drivers licenses, government subsidies that would include education and home mortgages? My family wants a comprehensive package of health care reform pass, then to me it's obviously important to me as well?
But we must remain vigilant as the status quo has in their influence a group of stalwart politicians. They have secretly conspired to table E-Verify in the past and will no doubt try to eradicate it's accessibility in the future. Hundreds of pariah businesses are devoid of a conscious towards the American working man or woman. They have corrupted the lawmakers in Washington, with special interest money and extravagant favors. They have already indoctrinated some of our previously honest leaders with favors and in return we have seen the weakening of 287 G police training apprehension of illegal immigrants. Already President Obama has listened to Sen.Harry Reid D-NV, California's own Nancy Pelosi and Napolitano who have weakened other enforcement laws. NO! Innocent children of illegal immigrants who were transplanted by their parents here are not to blame. Our borders have remained like sieves, thanks to some of the lawmakers whom we voted for over the years. Legislators are ultimately culpable as they make the decisions, as by inheritance of each administration who resides in the White House?
Money was wasted on building the single length border fence instead of Rep.Duncan Hunters planned two-tier barrier as in San Diego? ICE raids have been reduced and even the No-match-rescinded. More money is wasted overturning enforcement laws, instead of using the full force of these procedures in combating the illegal immigrant invasion. IF YOU HAVE SOME SOLID KNOWLEDGE OF ILLEGAL WORKERS, CONTACT ICE! ADDRESS YOUR POLITICIANS AT 202-224-3121 NO MORE COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM! IT IS NOT IN THE COUNTRIES INTEREST. USE AMENDMENTS TO RESOLVE PROBLEMS WITH THE 1986 IMMIGRATION LAWS ALREADY ENACTED. Learn facts not rhetoric or lies at NUMBERSUSA & JUDICIAL WATCH & CAPSWEB.
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