Finally, after getting caught doing a crime!! h/t
ACORN And The U.S. Census Bureau Part Company
Posted by: Duane R. Patterson
A much-welcomed development took place late Friday afternoon in the ongoing and evolving scandal that is the Big ACORN expose'. After a second series of videos in as many days of ACORN staffers giving tax and career advice to a young couple posing as a pimp and prostitute with aims of importing underage Central American females and creating a brothel, the U.S. Census Bureau has apparently seen enough.
The Census Director has sent a letter to the National Headquarters of ACORN notifying the group that the Census Bureau is severing all ties with the community organizing group for all work having to do with the 2010 census.
The news follows the release Friday of more hidden-camera footage of workers for the group advising a couple posing as a pimp and prostitute how to subvert the law.
ACORN had previously been tapped to help with low level data gathering for the 2010 census. A copy of the director's letter has been sent to Congress and relevant committees, as well as ACORN.
Again, where is the mainstream media on this story? Will they remain, as the New York Times admitted in their delayed coverage of ousted White House Green Jobs czar Van Jones, "a beat behind?" What will happen if there is another revelation in the days or weeks ahead? How many ACORN workers condoning human trafficking does it take before Congress revokes the $8.5 billion in Stimulus money they're due to receive? How long before an investigation into all of their activities, remember, this is an organization that Barack Obama himself promised a seat at the table in his administration, takes place?
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Mar 14, 2025 | Die USA haben über 36 Billionen Dollar Schulden – und jede
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