A very timely Poll from http://www.alipac.us/ which is very relevent due to what the House of Representatives did to Joe Wilson. For more as to the cost of immigrants on health care click here
Certified Poll: 78% of Americans Oppose Obama's Immigration Plans!
ALIPAC NOTE: The findings of this poll are so dramatic that proper deployment across the nation can politically crush President Obama's plans to push this unpopular amnesty legislation in 2009!. Please distribute copies of this polling information to each of your elected officials and all members of the national and local media. For those of you standing with ALIPAC, you have more assurances that four out of five Americans agree with our enforcement only stances. The findings that 78% oppose legalizing the 12 million illegal aliens directly refutes the designer polls circulated by the Open Borders Lobby. These readings on health care can be equally crushing to Obama's health care legislation.
----ANCIR poll: High immigration levels affect the cost of the health care system
16. September 2009 05:42
Pulse Opinion Research,
LLCThe Medical News
The American Council for Immigration Reform (ANCIR) national poll on immigration and its impact on health care issues conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC, of 1,000 likely voters on August 26, 2009 found that 78% of Americans believe that high immigration levels have had an adverse impact on the quality and cost of our health care system. Republicans (89%) felt more strongly on the issue, but Democrats (69%) were not far behind. Other key findings were:
Seventy-three percent (73%) of likely voters agreed that hospitals should be allowed to inquire and collect data about the immigration status of those seeking Emergency Room care without affecting the legal requirement that they must provide emergency care. Just 18% said no.
Seventy-seven percent (77%) of the respondents believed that providing health insurance to illegal immigrants will just encourage more illegal immigration.
After receiving emergency medical care, if it is determined that an illegal immigrant will require long term follow-up medical care, 47% believed that the person should be deported to his/her home country. 38% believed care should be provided, but time and cost limits should be established for eventual deportation. Only 8% believed long term care should be provided in the U.S.
Eighty-three percent (83%) of likely voters were very or somewhat concerned that the United States will add 135 million people to its population in the next 40 years, 75% of which is due to immigration. Republicans (90%) were more concerned than Democrats (74%).
Seventy-eight percent (78%) of likely voters were opposed to legalizing the status of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. with only 19% supporting it. 88% of African-Americans were opposed to legalization.
Fifty-five percent (55%) were opposed to a government insurance option under any national health care plan with 28% in favor and 17% not sure. 73% of Republicans were opposed with 11% in favor. A plurality of Democrats (47%) supported a government option with 34% opposed and 19% unsure.
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