A timely post from www.hughhewitt.com on things you can do now! See his recent column here My new WashingtonExaminer.com column is up.
Messaging Democrats To Shelve Obamacare and Leave The CIA Alone
Posted by: Hugh Hewitt
I need ten minutes of your time and $30 of your hard-earned dollars to push the Congressional Democrats to shelve Obamacare and to push President Obama and Attorney General Holder to abandon the witch hunt of terrorist interrogators.
On Sunday former Vice President Dick Cheney will almost certainly make the case on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace that the special prosecutor named by Holder this week to consider criminal charges against American interrogators of al Qaeda and other terrorist suspects will be deeply damaging to the national security. Only a significant show of public disgust at the witch hunt will limit its breadth and scope. Adding your signature to the petition at IWillNotConvict.com is a simple and effective way of showing your agreement with Cheney and every other serious national security analyst on this crucial subject.
If you haven't done so already, please sign the petition to stop Obamacare sponsored by the National Center for Policy Analysis. Over 1,165,000 people have already signed, and with two weeks before the petitions are delivered to Congress, getting to 1,500,000 signatures is doable if you join and also e-mail your friends.
A contribution of $10 or more to the National Center for Policy Analysis also allows the Center to publicize the petition and the arguments against Obamacre in other forums, so please consider helping push that message forward.
Two other ways of communicating voter anger over the push for the embedded rationing and fiscally disastrous consequences of Obamacare is to send small but symbolically important contributions to GOP contenders challenging vulnerable Senate and House sponsors of Obamacare.
Nevada's Harry Reid is of course the most visible and also one of the most politically vulnerable Senate sponsors of Obamacare. Reid is facing a stiff challenge from Danny Tarkanian --a recent poll shows Reid trailing Tarkanian by 11 points-- and since the "$10 for Tark" campaign began this week, more than 5,000 new contributors have sent at least $10 to the GOP contender. That sort of groundswell will not doubt get Senator Reid's attention and push him towards the growing group of Democrats who want to shelve Obamacare rather than risk the political ruin it will bring them in November 2010. Please join the effort with a $10 or more contribution to Tark.
Colorado liberal Democrat Betsy Markey told voters this week that Medicare benefits will have to be cut and that all Americans are going to have make sacrifices under Obamacare. Seniors who want the Democrats to stop trying to insure the uninsured via cuts to Medicare and voters who like their private insurance and don't want to get dumped into the so-called "government option/public plan" at the center of Obamacare, should signal all House Democrats that there will be political hell to pay if Obamacre passes by a donation to Markey's opponent, Tom Lucero. Lucero was on my program yesterday and bring's a businessman's perspective to the health care debate and confirmed that all across Markey's district and Colorado generally, Obamacare is deeply unpopular, just as it is across the country as all the recent polling data shows.
A $10 or more contribution to Tom Lucero sends a message to every House Democrat feeling nervous about supporting Obamacare, so please join the hundreds of people who added Tom to their list of causes yesterday and Thursday via an online contribution.
The President and Nancy Pelosi are clearly worried that August has turned the tide of public opinion against Obamacare specifically and the spending binge and lurch to the left of the federal government generally, which explains the desperate attempt to urge increasingly worried Representatives and Senators to support Obamacare because Senator Kennedy would have wanted them to. (Perhaps the most inane of all arguments advanced to date on behalf of the deeply and obviously flawed plan.)
The way to maintain the momentum is through demonstrated support for the National Center's grassroots efforts and through specific support for two candidates whose surge in fundraising signals what's ahead if the Democrats continue to push single payer and deep Medicare cuts on an unwilling public.
The One Key Kernel of Truth in RFK Jr.’s Latest False Measles Claim
No, nutrition is not better than vaccination.
12 minutes ago
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