An update from on Sotomayor.
RED ALERT: Call Senate Now to Slow Sotomayor Nomination
Friends of ALIPAC!
We are going on RED ALERT status for the next 48 hours and we need your help. We need each of you to immediately call both of your US Senators with the following messages delivered by phone and then in writing via e-mail or fax. Then we need you to start contacting other US Senate offices, call as many as you can, as fast as you can! The US Senate is rushing to confirm Sonia Sotomayor before the Summer break because the Democratic leadership fears her nomination will be in jeopardy, if Senators return home for a month to speak with their voters before returning to voting on her.
Sample Messages "I'm calling/writing to ask that Senator __________ slow down and delay the nomination vote on Sonia Sotomayor of the Supreme Court until after the summer break. Senator _____ should not allow such an important decision to be rushed. I hope that Senator ______ would take time during the break to speak with his/her constituents back home before casting such an important vote instead of rushing things. The public has many serious concerns about Sonia Sotomayor due to her racist comments, racist court decisions, and membership in racist Hispanic supremacist groups like La Raza. If the Senate votes on Sonia Sotomayor in a hurry and rushes home many Americans will be very upset by this since we expect more thoughtful deliberation and allowance of public input from our Senators."
REMEMBER HOW IMPORTANT IT IS THAT YOU CRAFT YOUR OWN DISTINCT VERSION OF THIS MESSAGE. CUT AND PASTE E-MAILS and FAXES END UP IN THE TRASH QUICKLY IN DC AFTER THE FIRST FEW ARRIVE. Call! Call! Call! Then follow up in writing. Here is ALIPAC's Contact List for the entire US Senate. We have included zip codes to make it easy for you contact each Senator in America.
If we can delay the vote on Sonia Sotomayor until after the break we have a stronger chance of defeating her since Obama's approval numbers are collapsing and constituencies outside of DC are becoming more hostile towards DC Lawmakers. Don't stop calling until you hear they have either cast their votes on Sonia Sotomayor or gone home without voting as you are asking them to do! The ALIPAC Team PS: Please do not forget to post your messages, your progress, your questions, suggestions, and feedback in the tracking thread. By posting in the tracking thread you give us a greater indication of response levels. You will also encourage others to take action. You will also drive this information / these messages up higher on the Internet for others to see. ALIPAC Activism Alert Tracking Thread at this link....
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