Another obituary about Ted Kennedy from See also for another take on this.
The End of the Kennedys?
by David Yeagley · August 26, 2009
“The Democrats need to reorganize their whole party,” I once charitably remarked to my elderly Comanche mother. “Well, they’ll have to get rid of Ted Kennedy,” she replied. “Get rid of the Kennedys.”
But, as Chris Matthews has already opined, Obama is the last Kennedy brother. Why, we’ll never be rid of the Kennedys. The liberal Democrats idolize them, dead or alive. Ted himself bestowed the mantle on “Obama” back in January, 2008, after Caroline Kennedy had already endorsed the alien. Liberals swooned. And CBS/AP reported:
Two generations of Kennedys - the Democratic Party’s best-known political family - endorsed Barack Obama for president on Monday, with Sen. Edward M. Kennedy calling him a “man with extraordinary gifts of leadership and character,” a worthy heir to his assassinated brother.
So, all the treachery, the Communism, the anti-Americanism, the sheer self-aggrandizing liberalism of a career liar we associate with the alien “Barack Hussein Obama” (Barry Soetoro) is to be attributed to John F. Kennedy? This is Ted Kennedy’s assessment, declaration, and last will and testament?
In this Jan. 23, 2007, file photo, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., left, and Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass. watch President Bush’s State of the Union address on Capitol Hill in Washington. Kennedy will endorse Obama for president, party officials confirmed on Sunday, Jan. 27, 2008. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)
Ted Kennedy, who evaded conviction for murder (in the Chappaquiddick case), is now himself removed from the scene. At the age of 77, Ted Kennedy passed on.
Ted Kennedy, after the drowning of Mary Jo Kopechne.
Perfect timing for Obama. “Providential,” the Democrat devotees are sure. They can try to pass the health reform bill now under the ’saintly’ auspices of Ted. It will be “The Ted Kennedy Health Reform Bill.”
Himself the heir of a big-time Irish ganster’s bootlegger fortune (according to Dope, Inc.) Ted Kennedy was always bent on twisting American values into some demented European socialist labor uprising. The multi-millionaire of ill-gotten gain was always campaigning for the ‘little guy,’ the ‘forgotten worker,’ as if the American population was in some perpetual state of inebriation after working in a factory for 16 hours–much like the Irish immigrants of the 19th century.
What a legacy, indeed. There’s ethnic pride for you, for weal or woe.
But I don’t rejoice in his death. I lament his life. I don’t dance on his grave. That’s for Democrats–who are constantly looking for a new gig to prop up their boy Barry (who is constantly sinking). I decry the influence of Ted Kennedy’s life. He represents everything that’s really un-American. His political concepts were as alien as Barry’s professional name, “Barack Hussein Obama.” And, through blind emotionalism and sentimentalism, Ted Kennedy’s influence will remain strong, no doubt.
However, the way Barry Soetoro burns up ‘political capital,’ the way he foolishly squanders the unlimited powers given him by the Democrats, perhaps Ted Kennedy’s actual political influence will wane after all. Barry wastes political favor as profligately as he spends imaginary money. He is immature to the point of abandonment. He has no experience whatsoever as a leader, or even a politician. He first road the waves created by white liberals for the American Negro. Now he has to make his own waves–borrowing completely from white liberals.
And yet he hates whites. I’m sure Barry hates the Kennedys. His appointment of someone like Eric Holder as Attorney General shows just how deep his hated is of the white race, of white America, and of white government. Barry and company are doing everything they can to destroy what white men have made. Their target is the United States of America. That is the prize for the black power mongers. That is the goal of the black politician: destroy what white men created. “Change” is the word they use, but they mean seek and destroy. It is black revenge. Black people at large may not ascribe to any such demonic purpose, but, they seem to be blindly following, like a giant herd of black sheep.
Ted Kennedy is gone, but, having blessed Barry Soetoro, the alien, (a.k.a. “Barack Hussein Obama”), Kennedy’s true values are apparent. His true legacy is evident. This is an awesome epigraph. Yet, is it obviously true and appropriate. It his his last will and testament: Barry’s pure racist anti-Americanism is the legacy of the Kennedy family. It is low, mean, and in the street, with the European gangster origins of the Kennedy family.
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