A big hat tip to www.debbieschlussel.com/ for writing this article on where our Tax Dollars are going to.
Tax Day: FOUR MILLION Anchor Babies in the U.S.; New Euphemism: "Citizen Children"
By Debbie Schlussel
Since it's Tax Day, perhaps you'll be happy to know that 6.8% of children enrolled in our nation's public schools in grades K-12 are illegal alien kids and anchor babies--children of illegal aliens who, unfortunately, get the fortuitous privilege of instant citizenship because, through clever timing and location, they were born here.
And that figure isn't from just anyone. It's from a study just released by the liberal-leaning Pew Hispanic Center, which means the real figure is probably far higher. Ditto for the figure of FOUR MILLION anchor babies born to illegal immigrants inside the U.S. That leaves about 1.5 million illegal alien children who come here with their parents. And they strain the system, too.
Remember that, the next time someone tells you that, "without illegal aliens, lettuce would cost $10 a head." Without illegal aliens, tax-funding of public schools and a ton of other free services abused by illegal aliens and their anchor babies would cost far less and it would balance out that allegedly $10 lettuce.
And as longtime readers know, I'm particularly concerned with anchor babies of the Islamic variety. I've written about how a network of pregnant Muslim alien women--thousands of them per year, aided by the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS)--come to the Detroit area and elsewhere around the U.S. to have their babies here, defraud taxpayers of billions in Medicaid funds to pay for it, and get instant citizenship for their kids, the documentation of which they can then sell on the open market to anyone of the same gender in the barbaric depths of the Middle East or even Somalia and Pakistan. Anywhere.
I've also written about the terrorist anchor babies--the kids of convicted Islamic terrorists Sami Al-Arian and Fawaz Abu Damrah, and deported Al-Qaeda financier Rabih Haddad and his associate Mohammed Al-Churbaji, among many others. While these human vessels of hate and mass destruction are either gone or--in Al-Arian's case--jailed and awaiting deportation, their kids are all here, terrorist anchor babies with citizenship who can remain here forever and have more terrorist anchor babies of their own. The citizenship birthright--meant only to give citizenship to slaves and their children long ago--is anachronistic, dangerous, and a fast mestastasizing cancer.
And all of these kids are causing harm to America, whether through their significant soaking of taxpayer-funded resources or the dangerous ideology and worse that they are here to spread.
Still, don't let that bother you, says CNN. These are not "anchor babies." Nope, according to the left-wing cable news channel, they are "Citizen Children." Nice new euphemism, but a complete misnomer. Memo to CNN: If you are born here to legal U.S. citizens or permanent residents, then you are a "citizen child." If you are born to one or more illegal aliens, you are an ANCHOR BABY. Period. You are an anchor that your illegal alien parent or parents will use to try to stay here when he or she should get packing.
And that's the problem. Illegal aliens constantly use their anchor baby children in endless, court-clogging legal battles as an excuse to stay. And even though having a child is not a defense to violating immigration laws, liberal judges who ignore the law sometimes stay or reverse deportation orders for this very reason. Yet another reason why birthright citizenship MUST BE ENDED.
And, in case you wondered, the Pew Hispanic Center is pulling at your "family values" heartstrings, letting you know, via its study of "unauthorized immigrants" that
illegal immigrants are more likely to live as family units with their children than legal immigrants or U.S.-born Amerians.
Awwww. Cute propaganda, but of course they are more likely to live as family units. They're in hiding, remember? And they've driven wages down so low that the wages they earn from someone's meat-packing job they stole is only enough for one apartment, not several.
It is disturbing that the percent of households made up of couples with children is 47% for illegal immigrants versus only 21% for U.S.-born citizens, but that's because illegal aliens are anchor baby factories, trying to create multiple reasons to game the American immigration system. It's not something to cheer about.
Sorry, but the "intact nuclear family" excuse for illegal aliens and their anchor babies continuing to invade our country, doesn't do it for me. How 'bout you?
Read the Pew Hispanic Center's "A Portrait of Unauthorized Immigrants in the United States."
In the Mailbox: 03.18.25 (Evening Edition)
— compiled by Wombat-socho Bridget Phetasy pegs the Democrats. No, not like
that, you pervs. Silicon Valley et Hamas delenda sunt. OVER THE TRANSOM 357
58 minutes ago
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