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Who Cares If MSM Dies? But There Are Stories You Won’t Get Without VDARE.COM—And It Needs Your Help
[Tonight! American Workers, Immigration, And The Displacement Disaster, by Peter Brimelow and Edwin S. Rubenstein. Only on VDARE.COM! Scroll to the end, PAUSING AT THE DONATE LINK (hint!)]
By Nicholas Stix
So as not to bury my lede:
It’s that time of year again—when we at VDARE.COM must pass around the hat to our loyal readers, without whose generous support we could not continue to provide the best journalism in America regarding all issues related to the National Question, as in: Will the United States of America continue as a nation-state, the political expression of a particular people?
With the death knell of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer sounding in February, as the paper’s staff sought donations to keep going, an SPI reporter argued that without the newspaper, stories would go untold.
If only it were so.
Without Establishment newspapers, readers would likely miss out on the following types of boilerplate:
Illegal immigrant sob stories;
Stories about the raceless victims of raceless criminals;
Press releases from big business, mercenary non-profits, and encroaching government agencies, which SPI staffers would write up to look like news stories;
Lindsay Lohan’s newest DUI arrest; and
White celebrities’ newest attempts to get positive publicity by adopting black African babies they have no intention of raising.
As a longtime, unapologetic newsaholic, I am not celebrating the death throes of the American newspaper. But American newspapers have no one to blame but themselves. Their refusal to do their job led to readers’ refusal to patronize them.
But if VDARE.COM shut down, vital stories really would go untold.
Let’s look at some of the countless stories that readers saw through VDARE.COM.
The Sailer Surge
In an election year, the media’s most vital job is to vet the candidates. In 2008, instead, in a display of media corruption for the ages, the Mainstream Media (MSM) acted as activists, operatives, and shock troops on behalf of one candidate, alternately stonewalling the public, race-baiting public critics, and even organizing a shameless campaign of vilification, including criminal acts, against a private person—Joe the Plumber Wurzelbacher—who had the temerity to criticize their champion.
And yet, long before Election Day, VDARE.COM readers knew more about the man calling himself "Barack Obama" than did most MSM journalists—because VDARE.COM had done the MSM’s job.
In 2007, VDARE.COM’s often intellectually hyperactive Steve Sailer focused his attention on that man like a laser, and wrote scores of columns and blogs explaining what makes "Obama" tick, culminating in the first VDARE.COM book, The Half-Blood Prince: Barack Obama’s "Story of Race and Inheritance," which came out in late 2008.
In a just journalistic world, Steve would have won his second and third Pulitzer Prizes this year – for biography (for his book), and for explanatory journalism for the continuing series he began last year, in revealing how the "minority mortgage meltdown" caused what he calls "the Diversity Depression" which will hopefully be the subject of Steve’s next book. (Steve’s first Pulitzer would have been for his pathbreaking work for VDARE.COM on "affordable family formation"—the public policies, such as immigration restriction, that would make)
Then again, of course, in a just journalistic world, there would be no call for VDARE.COM.
Wearing his hat as one of America’s leading science journalists, Steve wrote a three-part series on the crucifixion of Nobel Prize-winning geneticist James Watson.
Steve has even coined a phrase of broad methodological significance that encapsulates the MSM’s (and academia’s) anti-scientific thinking: "Occam's butterknife."
The "Occam’s Razor" rule calls for a scientist to devise the simplest possible explanation of phenomena in order to ascertain the truth. But politically correct scholars seek to avoid the truth by any means necessary. In spite of a world of group differences, they arrive at the pre-ordained conclusion that all groups are equal in every way and they give the most convoluted explanations imaginable for group differences in everything from education outcomes to mortgage foreclosure rates to crime. For instance, the science of intelligence easily explains group differences in testing and education outcomes. But since I.Q. science consists of what VDARE.COM has called "hate facts", I.Q. is ruled out—and all manner of circular and fantastical theories of "stereotype threat", "test bias", and "white racial privilege" are invoked instead.
"‘Stereotype Threat’ a.k.a. Occam's Butterknife" February 15, 2004
"America and the Left Half of the Bell Curve: Part I: IQ and Why We're Afraid to Talk About It" July 15, 2000
"Part II: How the Other Half Lives" July 18, 2000
"Why Do We Keep Writing about Intelligence? An IQ FAQ" December 3, 2007
Immigration and Gender
Over the past three or so years, VDARE.COM’s indefatigable Brenda Walker has been on a roll, writing on among other things, Third World immigration and the abuse of girls and women. Newsrooms and college faculties abound with thousands of feminists who jealously insist on a monopoly on all discussion regarding the protection of girls and women. But it is exactly these "feminists" who have betrayed both American-born and immigrant girls and women, and joined the War on the West. They have in effect joyously submitted to the misogyny of Third World, with happy talk of "vibrant", multicultural immigrants. Hence, if you oppose the importation of female slavery, the violent abuse of girls and women, including genital mutilation, honor killings, and a thousand lesser daily sexual degradations, it is to VDARE.COM that you must turn. (By the way, Brenda is working on a book on the foregoing topics.)
Some of Brenda’s stories:
"Dead Culture Walking: Muslim Colonization of Europe Should Frighten America" March 26, 2009
Canary in the Coal Mine: The Status of Women vs. "Diversity" February 18, 2009
"Diversity is Strength! It’s Also…Selling Your 14-Year Old Daughter?" February 05, 2009
"Diversity Is Strength! It’s Also… Witchcraft, Imported By Immigration. (And, Yes, From Obama’s Kenya Too)" November 06, 2008
Crime News
You might think that America had enough homegrown criminals of her own; VDARE.COM’s Brenda Walker has written hundreds of front page and blog reports on the growth industry of immigrant felons, especially the market niches of
slave owners and
homicidal drunk drivers
"immigrant mass murder syndrome", a term Brenda has coined to describe a phenomenon that didn’t exist in my childhood, when old, boring, undiverse America was enjoying a 41-year pause from mass immigration.
Thus when Chinese-Vietnamese immigrant monster Jiverly Wong aka Voong murdered 13 people at a Binghamton immigrant center early this month, the MSM approvingly quoted the local police chief’s inane condemnation of Americans as having "caused" the mass murder, supposedly through criticizing the English of Wong, who in 28 years here had never bothered to learn English. In "The Binghamton Massacre—Latest Case of Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome," [April 05, 2009] Brenda was the first writer with the courage to state the obvious:
"…immigrating to a completely foreign culture is a vastly more disorienting experience [than leaving home for college or having child], where the possibility for failure is real and life-affecting….
Yet when a horrific immigrant mass murder episode occurs, the wrenching stresses created by multicultural immigration are never considered by the Main Stream Media or Washington legislators as a major cause. In fact, every other reason on earth is dragged out—particularly when the political agenda is to blame America, its people and the Second Amendment."
Over the past three or so years, the indefatigable Brenda has produced the equivalent of at least two excellent books on immigrant crime:
"Meddling Mexico Funds High-Priced Lawyers to Help Immigrants Get Away with Murder" September 11, 2008
"‘They Also Kill People In Your Town’: San Francisco Triple Murder Highlights Immigrant Crime Wave" July 31, 2008
To my knowledge, no journalist in America has done a more thorough job than Brenda Walker of chronicling America’s immigrant—legal and illegal—crime wave.
Crime and Race
Crime is clearly not a job that "Americans won’t do", but writing honestly about crime is a job that America’s MSM refuse to do, even though crime ranks up with sports in readers’ interest. Although interracial crime first exploded during the 1960s, and in recent years, black-on-white rape-torture-murder atrocities have become routine, the MSM’s response was to suppress such reporting, as a matter of conscious policy, and to race-bait anyone who does the job they have refused to do.
VDARE.COM’s editor-columnist-blogger-fact checker James Fulford has written a series of classic articles on this subject:
"Race, Relevance and the Public’s Right to Know," "Ann Coulter on Willie Horton, Joey Fournier—And What Life is Really Like", and "Hate Crimes, Real Crimes, and Relevance." James has even introduced the article category,"
not reporting race," which is not limited to crime stories.
I have written a series of VDARE.COM articles on black-on-white crimes and racial atrocities:
The Duke Rape Hoax,
Knoxville Horror,
Winchester Atrocity
the Anne Pressly rape-torture-murder
Environmental Reporting
The unfortunate people who depend on the MSM for information assume that "environmental" groups such as the Sierra Club (which until 1996 pledged its support for population stabilization), are fighting pollution, over-population, and to defend America’s natural treasures.
In contrast, VDARE.COM readers know the truth through Brenda Walker’s exposés, such as "Sierra Club Sellout Worse Than Ever." [April 10, 2008]
The environmental movement has been hijacked by the left wing of the Open Borders Lobby, and the Sierra Club was bought off for $100 million by hedge fund entrepreneur and Open Borders fanatic, David Gelbaum.
Conserving America’s natural treasures, such as her national parks, is a classic environmentalist concern. But here, too, the Sierra Club in indifferent. As Brenda has detailed in reports over the years, such as "Mexican Gangsters Converting America's National Parks into Gigantic Marijuana Patches," [November 13, 2008]
America’s national parks in several states, with Sequoia National Park in California the hardest hit, are increasingly being stolen and plundered by illegal Mexican immigrant drug gangs, the franchisees in El Norte of Mexico’s narcoterrorists. They have taken over large swathes of the parks for the cultivation of hundreds of patches of marijuana, turning them into no-go zones for Americans taxpayers, who pay for their upkeep, who are their owners. And not only are the narcoterrorists stealing our parks, but the environmental havoc they cause spreads to ten times the area actually cultivated:
"These Mexican marijuana messes are an ecological disaster. They are not innocent little plots that leave a minimal footprint. They are industrial grow sites, toxic stews where the gangsters use dangerous and illegal chemical herbicides, pesticides and growth hormones that result in long-lasting environmental damage."
The foxes are guarding the henhouse.
Due to sanctuary policies and de-policing, local parks are also being stolen and destroyed. In 2007, VDARE.COM’s Steve Sailer observed in "Report From Occupied America: Sunday in the Park with Jorge," [July 22, 2007]Los Angeles’ "public" Hansen Dam Park, which had been seized from the American taxpayers, and privatized by illegal aliens from Mexico who made no tax contribution to its support, and who wrecked it. They buried the grass in garbage and excrement, set fires that caused massive damage, brought in horses that were illegal, unhealthy, and extremely dangerous, in an area jammed with people and many small children, for an illegal trade selling rides for kids.
California’s Immigration Disaster—And America’s
VDARE.COM’s Joe Guzzardi was born and raised in California, but recently fled its dystopia for Pittsburgh.
His archived VDARE.COM columns paint a portrait of the greatness that was California, and the destruction, through runaway immigration, of the once Golden State. And following California’s, that of the country.
Joe G. also mans our sports desk, and has for years been our letters editor, a job in which he has been ably assisted by Kevin Lamb (who recently published a powerful, wide-ranging interview with historian Raymond Wolters).
Joe has reported on how the replacement of the American people continues apace in professional baseball and college sports programs. Who’d have thunk that even playing big time sports was a "job Americans won’t do"?
Joe also acts as the sole judge of VDARE.COM’s annual Worst Immigration Reporter Award, bestowed on the reporter who that year stood out among all the country’s shameless open borders shills. In 2008, Joe bestowed the award on the Wall Street Journal’s Miriam Jordan.
Public Health Reporting
VDARE.COM has led the way with the story of how America’s immigration disaster has reintroduced into the country diseases that had been conquered generations ago, such as tuberculosis. "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor … Your Infectious Diseases?" by Edwin S. Rubenstein.
Quantitative Journalism
Quantitative analysis is so integral to journalism that the term "quantitative journalism" should be redundant. And yet, it isn’t. Most MSM journalists are innumerate, and hostile towards numbers. But in spite of their ignorance, they correctly intuit that for what they seek to wreak on American society, numbers are not their friends. VDARE.COM’s Steve Sailer and economist-statistician Edwin S. Rubenstein in his VDARE.COM column "National Data" are America’s two leading quantitative journalists.
One of Ed Rubenstein’s many contributions to journalism has been his "VDAWDI": VDARE.COM American Worker Displacement Index. With this he has for years tracked employers’ practice of supplanting American workers with (often illegal) immigrants who work under often horrific conditions, typically for a fraction of the wages the American workers earned.
Financial and Economics Journalism
Although VDARE.COM does not advertise itself as a site for economics journalism, it was founded by top financial journalist, Peter Brimelow, and has a brilliant stable of writers on finance on economics—Paul Craig Roberts, Patrick Cleburne, Randall Burns, et al., who have in recent years repeatedly either beaten out the MSM or academia or who break stories about which those moldering institutions engage in bizarre world propaganda. In addition to the aforementioned series by Steve Sailer, we have run:
Peter’s Brimelow’s Explication of Financial Corruption and the Minority Mortgage Meltdown; September 30, 2008
Takuan Seiyo’s "The Case of the ‘Disappeared’ Sub-Prime Borrower"; September 22, 2008
Randall Burns’ Revolutionary Work on the Economic Value of American Citizenship; and
Patrick Cleburne’s Devastating Analysis of the SPLC’s Finances. April 08, 2009 (VDARE.COM calls it the "$PLC")
And of course, VDARE.COM is without parallel in the field of immigration policy reporting, particularly the continued attempts by America’s elites to ram through a nation-ending mass amnesty of illegal immigrants.
For its entire nine-year existence, VDARE.COM has been a thorn in the side of the MSM. VDARE.COM reported on the War on Christmas, and put the story on the map; the MSM recently denied that any such war exists. When a VDARE.COM reader complained a few months ago, to a Portland, Oregon-based reporter of propaganda she’d tried to disguise as reporting, she contacted his employer and tried to get him fired from his job. And just two months ago, the seemingly omnipotent yet near-bankrupt New York Times, working in tandem with the $PLC, published a series of editorials attacking VDARE.COM, its founder Peter Brimelow, and contributor Marcus Epstein by name. We’ve got them on the run!
About Our Readers:
VDARE.COM has some of the best readers around: Clever, passionate, and above all, well-informed, often through hard-won experience. And our editors treat them with the respect they deserve. They even treat the abusive ones, who deserve no respect, with decency. Some correspondents such as Scotland’s Martin Kelly, have graduated from getting critical letters published to writing supportive articles.
Contrast that with the MSM. I’ve spent hours researching and writing letters to major newspapers that were never published, while insane letters with fabricated facts from political fringe cases were.
It’s one of the ways, along with push polls, that newspapers construct a fraudulent consensus. And yet another reason why they are going out of business.
Our generous readers make our work worthwhile, and support us in every way imaginable. And it is to them we must turn, yet again, for material support. Please make a tax-deductible donation to The VDARE.COM Foundation, the 501(c)(3) charitable organization that sponsors VDARE.COM.
I thank you. And your posterity will, too.
Nicholas Stix
You can donate (tax-deductibly!) by check (click to get form for easier mailing) or credit card—and you can do it monthly if you prefer. ALSO: you can now fax your credit card info! Donations are tax-deductible.
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NOTE: VDARE.COM is no longer associated with the Center For American Unity, which plans to focus on litigation. We are grateful for their past help and wish them well in future. Our sponsor is now the VDARE Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity.
In the Mailbox: 03.18.25 (Evening Edition)
— compiled by Wombat-socho Bridget Phetasy pegs the Democrats. No, not like
that, you pervs. Silicon Valley et Hamas delenda sunt. OVER THE TRANSOM 357
43 minutes ago
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