A very interesting article by www.fairus.org about Candidate Barack and President Barack's opinions on the issue of Immigration.
Help FAIR Hold President Obama's Feet to the Fire
While serving in the U.S. Senate in 2007, Barack Obama proclaimed that the U.S. needed stronger enforcement of our immigration laws on the border and in the workplace. However, since taking office, President Obama and his administration have shown an alarming trend away from enforcement and toward rewarding lawbreakers.
During the first 100 days of his administration, President Obama has:
Scaled back worksite enforcement;
Questioned the utility of REAL ID as a security measure;
Questioned the use of 287(g) state-federal cooperative enforcement;
Backed off completing the border fence as originally planned;
Opposed making E-Verify permanent and mandatory;
Opposed requiring the use of E-Verify as part of the Stimulus spending bill;
Adopted a "wait and see" attitude despite requests by several governors for support to secure our borders.
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In FAIR's 30 years of fighting for immigration reform, I know that these are clear signals that there will soon be a big push for a mass amnesty!
That's right, the opposition is already boasting of a $48 million campaign—financed by George Soros and the Ford Foundation—to promote what they call "comprehensive immigration reform" meaning amnesty for the more than 12 million illegal aliens who broke the law when they illegally crossed our borders.
There is precious little time and that's why I am asking you today to join FAIR and unite with us to HALT the mass amnesty lobby that puts the interests of illegal aliens ahead of those of legal U.S. citizens.
As FAIR continues to build a strong and integrated network across the country, FAIR members are crucial partners in all aspects of our work. If we don't stand up to special interest groups that push for amnesty, constantly remind our elected officials to address immigration problems, and continue to build public support for true immigration reforms, the Obama Administration will try to sweep an amnesty right under our noses.
That's why it is important that you join FAIR today.
Your support makes a difference.
In the Mailbox: 03.18.25 (Evening Edition)
— compiled by Wombat-socho Bridget Phetasy pegs the Democrats. No, not like
that, you pervs. Silicon Valley et Hamas delenda sunt. OVER THE TRANSOM 357
58 minutes ago
1 comment:
We need to organize and support a pro-sovereignty, anti-ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION protest, similar to the African-American one million man march in 1995, on the fortress Washington, DC. There are hundreds of irate American out there, comprised of Seniors, veterans, workers, single mothers and countless others who have had enough of being intentionally ignored. No politician is going to take any American or Legal resident seriously, until all the organization who believe in the word of the US Constitution, Bill of rights move en-masse on this morons who are supposed to represent us on Capitol hill. Most are out for themselves, and don't care that illegal foreign labor is taking American jobs, that as a people we have to genuflect to Health Insurance companies. We need to let Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) and all the Senators who have no interest working for the American people, who themselves are well provided for by the business community. As they have generous federal health insurance, they don't need to go cap-in-hand, requesting health care. While foreign nationals walk into the nearest hospital with out payment or immigration papers and receive services. Americans on the other hand must show SS number, drivers license , so that the debt collectors can chase them down for payment.
Ask you Senator or Congressman how they would vote to support E-Verify, Real ID act or the local police enforcement law 247(g). Ask them why we need a new Immigration reform law, when we already have the 1986 Immigration reform & Control Act, that only needs amendments? Ask them why this law was never enforced? Demand they support E-Verify and other laws and not weaken their power. E-Verify should be made permanent and any employer who violates that law, should be severely fined, business assets confiscated and end up in prison. Tell them your be watching them from now on, especially when it's time to vote. We cannot afford to lay-back anymore as the consequences are OVERPOPULATION. Loss of Americas sovereignty! A nation that is losing its cultural, language and spiritual identity.
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