I wanted to let you see a sample of one of the UCG blogs run by a lay member. I am putting two of his articles here one is more spiritual from a few weeks ago and the other covers one of his interests. His blog's main page is here http://itsapaulworld.blogspot.com/ if you want to get an RSS feed. H/t to Paul!!
Friday, November 07, 2008
Sabbath Reflections on this past week
As we head into the Sabbath here I can't help but reflect on the events of the past week. Some are in despair because their candidates or causes lost. Others are in the heights of joy over their victory.Yet as Christians our happiness can not be dependent on what political party is in power. It has to be based on our relationship with our Creator.Political movements come and go. Miserable is the individual whose sense of fullfillment is based on such a tempory and fickle foundation.As Philippians 3:20-21 says But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Winners and Losers
Rob Oller points out today in the Columbus Dispatch that Columbus is the sports city of winners while Cincinnati and Cleveland are cities of losers. His evidence?• In winning the MLS Cup, the Crew became Ohio's first champion in a "major-league" pro sport since the Reds won the 1990 World Series. It was nice to hear Crew defender Frankie Hejduk say, "This is for Columbus" after the team won last week. Haven't heard "This is for Cleveland" or "This is for Cincinnati" in quite a while.• It's December and the Blue Jackets actually have a winning record (11-10-3). Can't say that about the Browns (4-8) or Bengals (1-10-1). Moreover, the Jackets appear to be tracking upward, or at least not downward, while the Browns and Bengals are as hapless as ever.• Ohio State is 10-2, co-champion of the Big Ten and likely will be selected as an at-large pick for a BCS bowl. The Buckeyes also have the state's last big-school national championship (2002).WhileThe Cincinnati Bengals remain the broken bicycle tossed in the corner of the garage, and the Cleveland Browns continue to beat their fans over the head with the sledgehammer of stupidity.Taking the frustration further, neither the Cincinnati Reds nor Cleveland Indians finished the baseball season with a winning record. Giving credit where it's due, the NBA's Cleveland Cavaliers lead their division, but even that comes with baggage as the franchise can't escape speculation that LeBron James will leave for New York in 2010.Someone I know still tells tales of the Browns AFL championships. Someone else I know constantly refers back to the Big Red Machine. Living in the past is the only option. There is no present and the future don't look so good.I've never really considered it before but I guess the rest of the state pretty much has nothing but sports losers.
GOOD FOR AMERICA: The enemy within is now the Democrat Party
Keep up the good work, Democrats. You’ve managed to offend millions in your
voter base. The Democrat Party: The Enemy Within? By Amil Imani The
Democrat pa...
29 minutes ago
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