I wanted to let you know about another UCG blog. I put two posts - the first is one of her spiritual comments and the second is one of her interests. You can visit her page here http://myittybittylittlecorner.blogspot.com/ and click the links below for some beautiful pictures she posted!!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
This quote has been on my mind the last few days.
"If being a Christian was against the law....could you get arrested?"
In other words, is it plain to other people that you are a Christian, or would they have no idea? And I am not talking about getting on a soupbox on a corner somewhere, I am talking about how we live our lives everyday.
I hope and pray that people can tell just by seeing my interaction with others that I am different and a devout follower of Christ. I don't want people to see me in the Kingdom, recognize me and think, "what in the world is she doing here?". Ouch!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving Pictures
Here are some of the pictures from our Thanksgiving. My mom out did herself!! The whole meal was wonderful!!
Beautifully set table
Roses from my parents garden.
The best turkey ever!!My pumpkin pie, which did turn out really good...if I do say so myself :)
The maple leaf cut out made of extra pie dough
Five Minute Fudge, fresh out of the dish (Thanks for the tip, Stacey!)Cut up and ready to go.
All and all we had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! I am very very blessed!!
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Keep up the good work, Democrats. You’ve managed to offend millions in your
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