"We Are All Americans, Whether You Are Legalized Or Not."
By Joe Guzzardi
As Barack Obama’s "Change you can believe in" Cabinet team takes to the field next month, here’s the starting line-up he’s put up against America’s immigration reform patriots:
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, immigration grade "D-".
Clinton on immigration: "We have to, though, remain faithful to our condition as a beacon for people around the world seeking a better life." Readers will recall that Clinton supports more than just a standard variety of amnesty and illegal alien benefits. In her heart of hearts, she much wants more—as she proved when she advanced the concept of "baby bonds" for each of the four million children born in the U.S. every year. That would, of course, have included illegal aliens and provided more incentives for illegal immigrants to cross the border and have children on the American taxpayers tab. And Hillary is married to the globalist, anti-American Bill whose financial disclosure records—3,000 pages long and released on Thursday—reveal that the former president has raised millions from foreign governments in the Middle East (mainly Saudi Arabia) and Asia. One example from many: various donations to the Clinton foundation ranging between $1 million and $5 million are from Amar Singh, an Indian politician who has been embroiled in ethics controversies, and other individuals in India. That’s great for India but, like so many other things the Clintons have done and would like to keep doing, rotten for America.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.
A notorious pro-immigration Arizona Governor and long-time open borders advocate.
Two months ago, in my series of columns about Michael Chertoff, I warned readers that they would miss Chertoff when he and his vigorous interior enforcement policies were gone when Obama takes over. Is there anyone out there today who would trade Napolitano for Chertoff even up?
Secretary of Health and Human Services and former South Dakota Senator Tom Daschle.
How can a South Dakota resident be bad enough on immigration to have a career "F" grade? Beats me, but Daschle did it.
Even 9/11 isn’t enough to temper Daschle’s pro-immigration agenda. Here’s what he had to say during a 2001 trip to Mexico, referring to aliens as "citizens":
"We want to ensure that those people who have come from Puebla (Mexico) to the Northeast and want to stay in the U.S. as citizens can do so. We wanted to make as strong a statement as we could that our mutual agenda has not been lost in the aftermath of the disaster of Sept. 11. Our agenda regarding our mutual relationship is every bit as important and our commitment every bit as strong."
Energy Secretary Bill Richardson.
Immigration ranking "abysmal." Perhaps the most audacious of the new Cabinet, Richardson had the gall to speak Spanish while accepting his position. When it comes to amnesty, as far as Richardson is concerned, "Si, se puede" .
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar.
Another solid "F" . Although Colorado Senator Salazar is a fifth generation American, you would never know it from his immigration voting record. Salazar is so bad that he actually scored "F-" in two critical areas, chain migration and amnesty.
Agriculture Secretary Tom Harkin
At first glance, Iowa Senator Harkin looks like a breath of fresh air with his "D" grade. But when I looked closer, I saw that Harkin is only fractionally better than Salazar on chain migration and amnesty, scoring "F" in both.
Transportation Secretary Ray La Hood
Although the only Republican (RINO) in the Cabinet, even Illinois Representative La Hood gets no better than a stinking C, his grade dragged down by a F- in chain migration and amnesty, two of VDARE.COM’s main targets for elimination as we go into 2009.
Labor Secretary Hilda Solis
Saving his most disgraceful pick for last, Obama chose California Representative and Mechista Hilda Solis—"F"— as Labor Secretary.
Solis’s most infamous quote:
"We are all Americans, whether you are legalized or not."
Let’s hope Solis remembers that in her new job she controls labor certifications for legal workers—not the amnesty seekers she supports.
To top it all off, look who has Obama’s ear more than his White House Chief of Staff:
Rahm Emanuel.
Currently an Illinois Congressman, Emanuel has an "F" across the board and a "F-" on border control.
Even the strongest advocates of amnesty like John McCain make token statements—sound bites, really—about the need to reinforce our borders. But not Emanuel! He supports unchecked immigration all the way.
Of course, there’s the main man, the Commander-in-chief—president-elect Barack Obama, a D-.
And Obama’s Vice President Joe Biden, also a D-.
The threat our own government presents to our sovereignty could not be clearer.
As tough as it will be, we at VDARE.COM working together with you our faithful readers can defeat this treasonous Cabinet.
We can stymie its eagerness to abolish America—but only with your bighearted help.
We hate to ask for money. But we need it to keep the battle going.
I’m in the lucky position of seeing what an America without immigration is like. In July I moved to Pittsburgh, PA from California where immigration has changed entirely (for the worse) the state’s demographics. Mexicans in California represent the largest foreign-born group. They arrive in a completely uncontrolled fashion, accounting for 44 percent of the state’s non-U.S.-born.
In Los Angeles alone, as of 2005, nearly 35 percent of residents were born outside of the U.S.
For a native Californian like me, this is an unspeakable tragedy.
But moving to back to Pittsburgh where I studied, took my first post-college job and have children and grandchildren is an awakening.
As someone said to me the other day, "It’s like coming home to America for you."
And it is.
We in Pittsburgh don’t have immigration—specifically Hispanic immigration. As of 2000, our Hispanic population was only 0.7 percent, the lowest of any major US city. By national and benchmark norms, Pittsburgh’s Hispanic population and its overall rate of in-migration is infinitesimal.
The result—Americans get our jobs, our school children and teachers speak English and we celebrate American traditions and values.
Unless you live in a border state town, Pittsburgh is what your America can look like.
And if you do live in an immigration-heavy city, then VDARE.COM can help you control mass immigration by raising your awareness about the dangers posed by our subversive federal government through our timely and insightful columns, blogs and daily letters.
More than any other site, VDARE.COM has repeatedly pointed out that legal immigration, mostly through our disastrous visa system, is equal to or a greater threat than illegal immigration in terms of its impact on our society.
We were the first to report on the biased mainstream media coverage and have exposed dozens of unprofessional reporters and editors. Our annual "Worst Immigration Reporter" award has a wide following—in the media although no one from any major newspaper will admit it!
I’m appealing to you as an immigration reform patriot of long standing. I’ve been focused on the immigration scandal for more than two decades.
And although my columns have appeared in California daily newspapers and on other webzines, it is only at VDARE.COM that I have been able to expose in complete candor the totality of the immigration crisis.
The VDARE.COM editorial collective is just like you: we’re concerned Americans who want to save the country for our children and grandchildren.
Learn how to avoid harmfully stereotyping a Muslim immigrant in Britain
After all, the last thing you want to be accused of is being an
“Islamophobe.” h/t Susan
1 hour ago
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