Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Yahya Abdi is Teen Stowaway on Hawaii Flight; Father Says allah Saved Him

A very interesting post from about  the teen stowaway on a Hawaiian airplane. This follows this post about Stephen Colbert not satirizing Muslims. This follows this post about a shooting in Kansas. This follows this article about American energy independence and preventing money from going to hostile countries. For more about what you can do to get more involved click here and you can read two very interesting books HERE. You can follow me at blogspot here and at twitter here Please consider following both in case one goes down!

Yahya Abdi is Teen Stowaway on Hawaii Flight; Father Says allah Saved Him

By Debbie Schlussel
Yesterday, I told you that the teen stowaway in the wheelwell of the plane to Hawaii is a devout Muslim alien from Somalia. And the Voice of America has identified him and his father, confirming this yet again, with the father saying allah protected his son. If Barack Obama had a son . . . .

The father of a teen stowaway who survived a five-and-a-half hour flight to Hawaii this week hidden in a jetliner’s wheel well said allah saved him from the dangers and extreme temperatures. “When I watched the analysis about the extraordinary and dangerous trip of my son on local TVs and that allah had saved him, I thanked God and I was very happy,” Abdilahi Yusuf Abdi, who lives in Santa Clara, California, told VOA’s Somali service in an exclusive interview on Wednesday.

Authorities have not named the teen who flew Sunday from San Jose to Maui in the wheel compartment of a Hawaiian Airlines jet and likely passed out, enduring below zero temperatures and low oxygen levels. The father identified his son to VOA as Yahya Abdi and said he is recovering in a Hawaii hospital. . . . The father said he first received the news in a phone call from the Hawaii department police. “They told me that they were holding my son,” he said. “I was shocked. I wondered how my son went there.” . . .
Abdi said his son was at home on Friday. “He was with us on Friday noon,” he said “We prayed the Friday prayers together.”
Oh, and–surprise! surprise!–the father is a cab driver. Shocker.
So, do you still believe this fishy cover story claiming he was trying to get to Africa to see his mother whom he hasn’t seen since he was two? If you do, I have some federal grazing land in Nevada to sell you.
Sure looks like a dry run or testing the system to me. And they are laughing at us all the way to the next step in the operation. Was the father held responsible for his son’s stunts? Did he have to pay for the costs of security and flying his son home? Was his son charged with a crime? Nope, nope, and nope. If he were a White Christian or Jewish teen, you can bet the answers would be yes, yes, and yes. Instead, this “kid” is back in time for Friday Jumaa Islamic prayer. Alhamdillullah [praise allah].
It’s jihad, stupid.

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