Thursday, April 24, 2014

Pointing the Finger

An interesting article from about opinions. This follows this post about music. This follows this post about the likelihood of a war in Asia. . For a free magazine subscription or to get the book recommended for free click HERE! or call 1-888-886- 8632. You can follow me at blogspot here and at twitter here Please consider following both in case one goes down!

Pointing the Finger

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People seem to be quick to voice their opinions about almost everything that our life has to offer.

We state our thoughts when we see our favorite sport teams making "poor decisions," and we think nothing of stating our definition of sin, virtue or might. In doing so, the image that we project is that we know and understand these areas. We boast that we have not sinned as others have and that we would not steal or abuse power. Years of experience and a long productive life teaches us lessons, and with those years comes some expertise. Those years gave credibility to the woman who deserves praise (Proverbs:31:26, Proverbs:31:31).
We can speak of virtue after we have met and defeated temptation. We can speak of overcoming after we have won a struggle within. We can speak of strength after we have grown from weakness into strength. Judgments do need to be made for the determination of right and wrong, good and evil, holy and profane, but those judgments belong to those who fear God and have learned the lessons of life. Walk carefully with your God and observe His works, then the finger pointing will be salted with understanding, kindness, hope and love.

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