A timely post from http://www.numbersusa.com/ about opposing the DREAM ACT. This follows this post about what you can do to get better candidates this election cycle and this post about the MURDER of ROBERT KRENTZ, who the protestors and boycotters won't give a solution for, but will call Americans racist for trying to prevent another MURDER, and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso. For more interesting stories like this click here to follow this blog.
Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121; ask for your Senator's office
A variety of pro-amnesty, pro-illegal aliens, anti-American worker, and anti-American student organizations are urging their supporters to phone their U.S. Senators to support the DREAM Act amnesty. These organizations believe that Majority Leader Harry Reid is planning on introducing the DREAM Act amnesty for a vote sometime before the November elections and they want to get more Senators to support the legislation.
Your U.S. Senator(s) is either a Democrat who has not cosponsored the DREAM Act amnesty or a Republican who supported amnesty in 2007. Please call your Senator(s) and urge him/her to oppose this latest push to support the DREAM Act amnesty.
Click HERE to read a NumbersUSA backgrounder on the DREAM Act amnesty.
Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121; ask for your Senator's office
Calling is easy. Simply tell the staffer your name, where you are calling from, and urge your Senator to oppose the DREAM Act amnesty. Talking points are below.
Talking Points
• I have heard that the Democratic Leadership is considering forcing a vote on the DREAM Act amnesty before the November elections. I would like the Senator to promise to oppose this amnesty.
• Passing the DREAM Act amnesty would put millions of Americans out of work by legalizing millions of illegal alien workers.
• Voters are making it more and more clear that they will turn on pro-amnesty candidates -- as many primaries have shown. Supporting the DREAM Act amnesty would not only harm your political career, but would also harm millions of less fortunate Americans.
• Please ignore the pro-amnesty callers you are hearing from! They do not represent the will of the vast majority of your constituents and do not care about the livelihoods of the 22 million Americans who cannot find a job.
• It is disgusting that the Senate leadership is considering attaching the DREAM Act amnesty to the Defense spending bill. This is a smack in the face of all of our men and women serving in harm's way! These brave soldiers are fighting and dying for our freedom, not for an amnesty for illegal aliens!
Additional talking points are below
Talking Points
Talking point:
The DREAM Act amnesty is an amnesty with no protections whatsoever. This bill does not protect America's national security and does not protect American and legal immigrant workers. If the Senator supports this, it will prove that he/she does not care about unemployed Americans.
Talking point:
The DREAM Act amnesty is a loophole-ridden, fraud enticing, chain migration nightmare. Illegal aliens don't have to prove they qualify (they only have to say they do) and they don't undergo background checks. The bill could literally amnesty anyone. I expect the Senator to oppose such an anti-American worker, anti-national security bill.
‘Bloody Sunday’ 60th anniversary marked in Selma with remembrances and
concerns about the future
*Sent:* Sunday, March 9, 2025 at 08:37:27 PM EDT
*Subject:* 'Bloody Sunday' 60th anniversary marked in Selma with
remembrances and concerns about the futu...
1 hour ago
There are various REQUIREMENTS for the DREAM Act, it does not legalize ANYONE.
People like you are going to be seen as the bad guys 40 years from now. You're going to be put in the same level as the people who were against the Civil Rights Movement. Being against the education of young men and women who were brought here when they were just children is no different then being against the education of someone because of the color of his or her skin.
this is not amnesty! there are various requirements to qualified for the dream act so please get your facts straight! all the 12 million undocumented immigrants will not qualified and by the time that the dreamers ask for their parents, chances are the senate would have already passed a complete immigration bill to fix the broken immigration system of this country. Nor does it say that jobs and opportunities would be stolen, the dream act is just creating EQUAL opportunity for everyone to work and obtain an education. Nothing is given out for free and easy.
Thank you so much for the information. I just called all senators and told them to vote YES on the Dream Act haha thank you so much for the information!
WOW, you people just love to play the race card. It is appalling that because someone votes against this act, they automatically are racist.
Did it ever occur to you that an American CITIZEN, such as myself, who has a job and contributes as a taxpayer, has no access to financial aid? I cannot go to college because I am unable to pay for it. I do not think that ANY illegal person (no matter where they are from) should have access to financial aid while some American citizens like me, who have good credit, cannot even get loans to go to school.
Don't tell me to "get my facts straight". It already costs taxpayers millions of dollars for illegal childrens' education from kindergarten to 12th grade, and if they want to continue on to secondary education, they can apply for citizenship just like they are supposed to have to.
The Dream Act doesn't provide anybody with financial aid. It creates an opportunity for people to APPLY for permanent status after completing two years of college, or completing two years of military service. They are getting anything free. Unlike other immigrants they have to risk their lives at war, or attend college just to get the chance to APPLY for legal status in the country where they have grown up and where their parents have worked and paid taxes.
A Cuban can just wash up on the shore and automatically become a US citizen without having to earn it. They also automatically qualify for immediate social security payments and welfare payments without ever having contributed money to those systems. Yet no Republicans ever complain about that...
Furthermore, you are not paying for anybody, as illegal immigrants work and pay taxes. Plus their labor creates wealth for the United States. So many people do not understand how the economy really works.
People should get informed first before calling against this act. Weather you are racist or not you will know it, there is no need for anyone to say it. Many of us have waited for this opportunity to come and make a better life. We are no criminals. like in every race there is good and bad. Please support the dream act. good things come with good acts. and we will not be elegible for financial aid!!!!
It's not amnesty. There are plenty of requirements to be eligible, which with all the very recent changes just became much more strict and less inclusive.
Please note that no one who would be allowed to go to college due to this act would be allowed to receive government financial aid. Or food stamps, or any other form of government financial aid services. They wouldn't even be eligible for in-state tuition rates, so the government wouldn't have to worry about the cost of subsidizing their education.
Though I will agree; it cost quite a bit of money to send these kids through the K-12 public school system. What a shame it would be to deport all of these people and let their 'home' countries reap the benefit of that education. Wouldn't it be wiser to let them become legal here, get jobs and pay taxes so this country could start seeing some returns on its investments? And by letting them go to college they could get higher paying jobs and pay even more in taxes.
Also note that if any of these people had had any legal routes available for obtaining legal status they certainly would have done it by now. The people the DREAM Act is for currently have no legal option for obtaining legal status. That's why the act exists in Congress. I know someone who would be affected by the DREAM Act and he's consulted many lawers and even paid for a consultation with an immigration law firm, only to always be told that he had no legal options for obtaining any sort of legal residency status of any kind. These people didn't choose to do it the illegal way. Their parents did. And for many it happened when they were too young to even comprehend the concept of illegality.
And let's not forget that the military is in favor of the DREAM Act. Why? Because it would increase their numbers, making the military stronger. Logic says the bigger and stronger the military, the safer the country, right? Right. And that's why the DREAM Act is part of the Department of Defenses FY2010-12 Strategic Plan. And also why the Pentagon helped write the DREAM Act.
I oppose this Act all the way. Illegal is Illegal. Go home and apply for the dream act. See where it gets you.I am tired of supporting the Illegal Immigrants. I bet all these kids have been feed in school on our tax payers backs.Tell Mommy and Daddy to get their own dream. The mexican and Cuba dream.
"the mexican and Cuba dream"
What an ignorant statement. If you were wondering why people often reference your views as being racist, that's why. Over 3/5 of all illegals are not Mexican. And 1/4 are from places other than Latin America.
Personally, I'm for the Dream Act. After all, many religious leaders and military leaders are advocating for it. It's not just crazy liberal leftists.
I find it ironic that the people who object to the cost of the Dream Act are typically in favor of deporting all these people, but that would cost well over 3 times more. The act would cost an estimated $6.2 billion vs the $25 billion to deport just the people eligible for it. I also find it ironic when people have issues with the cost of the Dream Act but support extending Bush's Tax Cuts, which would cost this country a minimum of $3 TRILLION.
I think it's sad that in a lot of ways this country's view of illegals is tied to the economy. When everything's going well and unemployment is really low nobody seems to mind illegals coming and doing jobs Americans don't want, as was evident in the 1920s when Americans companies actually sought to employ illegal workers by sending recruiters to Mexico. Lower wage labor meant cheaper products and Americans could buy more. Of course when the Great Depression hit, this pratice was no longer in the country's best interest and mass deportation ensued. Including children who'd been born in this country and were citizens by law.
Children are often victims when it comes to these issues. The Dream Act actually tries to do something positive for these children.
What is wrong with you people? Do you not see the way our economy is right now? Do you not see how the economy is and has beeen in Mexico? They are here illegally! Why would we do anything that would allow those who broke OUR laws to stay here. If we continue to keep letting people in this country and let those who are here illegally stay our country will never recover. There are not enough jobs for natural born citizens as it is and people are struggling everyday. Illegal immigrants do not have rights nor do they have a right to stay here! They come here to work and then send the money back to Mexico, they have no ties to the US. Why are we allowing them to steal identies and tax payer money and then reward them for breaking the law? I think Americans need to stop worrying about others when our own country is in such need. Illegals are bringing down our economy, there is a constant income of drugs and weapons coming over the border with the illegal immigrants. I know as a tax paying citizen I do not want to struggle my entire life just to make by. We need to close our borders and let our legal citizens have a chance to better their quality of life. We need to work on the US and get are economy back on track. I think people need to actually do their research and see what this act will do to them in the future. Stand up for Americans and THEIR RIGHT to have a good life not those who have broke our laws and are illegal!!!
illegal immigrants pay taxes. the governmnet gives them a TTIN number, from which they pay taxes, but they can not work with. In order to qualify for this Dream Act, the student's parent's have to have had paid taxes all years that lived in the US. Also It would not be an amnesty, because it would only benefit children, who were here before 2005, and were 15 and younger. This is a very selective reform, the will not allow anyone with criminal records, or high school drop outs. They will have to have attended college for 4 years or joined the army.
■Must have entered the United States before the age of 16 (i.e. 15 and younger)
■Must have been present in the United States for at least five (5) consecutive years prior to enactment of the bill
■Must have graduated from a United States high school, or have obtained a GED, or have been accepted into an institution of higher education (i.e. college/university)
■Must be between the ages of 12 and 35 at the time of application
■Must have good moral character
Yeah, seems to me like we're only getting the best for our money. NOT.
I know this country was founded on immigration but the difference is, those immigrants were bringing something to our country. Todays immigrants dont bring anything to our country, they are just doing their best to get by. They don't excell at anything, most of them are maintance workers at malls and fast food joints; and that's fine. We need someone to take out the trash.
If you're already living here illegally, be happy you haven't been deported yet. You don't even belong here, so why are you trying to change our way of life? You don't see my going to mexico and rewritting their national anthom in english, or french.
If you can't take this country with the benefits its proving now, go home or go to canada.
anonymous I am a legal citizen and for a person to come to America pregnant from any other country and that child become a legal citizen how is that? on the dream act I am overwhelmed that it did not pass. This was an attempt for a back door amnesty that all this is. It is scary that it passed but by five votes. The hispanics are protesteng that they will not vote for whoever so what pretty soon if this bill and any other bill pass about amnesty it will not be anybody but them in office and that woould be very scary
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