A timely post from www.teapartyexpress.org about the dangers the Republican party has by joining the president in a health care summit. This follows this previous article about the concerns of Americans on various forms of welfare. For more interesting stories like this click here to follow this blog.
They're At It Again! The DC Dog & Pony Show
Greetings Fellow Patriots,
There is a lot going on inside of DC that you should be aware of so you know how important it is to take action. If you do not want to read all of the details, but only want the ACTION STEPS, then scroll down or click here. You can also read this alert online if you prefer.Last week on Super Bowl Sunday, President Obama, made an announcement on national TV that he would be inviting both the Republican and Democrat leadership to the Blair House in the next several weeks in an effort to work on a bipartisan solution for health care reform. The President promised that these negotiations would be televised. While citizens across the country have been calling for transparent negotiations for months, there is much concern that this is a "dog and pony show" being sponsored by the White House, and there will be no real bipartisan negotiations. The fear is that the President, Madame Pelosi, and Senator Reid are only going to work with the bills that have already been passed by the House and the Senate. There is also the fear that this is just political theater to distract from some sort of behind closed doors negotiation. The bottom line is that we cannot let up now!The American people do not want the legislation that has been proposed by either of these bodies. The American people want to start from the beginning with a blank sheet of paper. Representative Tom Price (GA) asked to start with a blank sheet of paper earlier this week. Leader John Boehner (OH) issued a statement asking for the same thing. Will the President and his team of negotiators agree to start with a blank sheet of paper? According to Madame Pelosi's senior health care advisor, this is not the plan at all. In fact, the Republicans and the American people are being set up and this "dog and pony" show is a trap!This past week, Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) appeared on Fox News and talked about his personal "CPR" plan that he is proposing. The basis of the plan is a mandate for anyone over 18 years of age to have insurance. Where has Senator Gregg been the past several months? Does he have a sweetheart lobbying job awaiting him when he completes his term? Why on earth would this Senator not stand up and represent what the American people want? Does he not know that 61% of the American people want Congress to completely start over on health care negotiations?It appears that Washington, DC is just not getting the message! This health care summit is nothing more than a PR stunt! What is so scary is that there are some that are falling for this stunt. It is up to us, "We the People," to once again, raise our voices, turn up the heat, and just say no to this stunt that is being attempted by the President and his team. It is time for the President, Madame Pelosi, and Senator Reid know that you cannot fool "We the People" anymore.Are you willing to step back up to the plate and turn on the heat again? This past Tuesday, Organizing for America announced (via email) that they have relaunched their Action Center in an effort to assist with the government takeover of health care. Just this morning, Organizing for America announced that their supporters have already pledged 4,000,000 hours of their time to assist in getting "real" health care reform passed. Team, are you up for a challenge? We must work just as hard, if not harder, to stop this government takeover of health care! If you are willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with the rest of us, you can do the following to stop this government takeover of health care:
1. Sign the Petition demanding that the Republicans stand firm and not make any concessions. Please forward to family, colleagues, neighbors, and friends to sign. There is power in numbers and we all need to stand strong together.
2. Contact the Senators listed at the bottom of this email to let them know that you expect them to stand firm and not make any concessions on a government takeover of health care. If you are not their constituent, you should tell them that their vote represents the American people, as well as their constituents, and you expect them to listen to and represent the American people.
3. Contact the Republican Leadership and let them know that we are watching and waiting. We expect every single member of the Republican party to stand on principles and values, while representing the American people.The Republican Leadership in the House is committed to stand firm and wants to start from scratch. We need to support their efforts and let them know we are standing behind them. We should thank them for listening to the American people.
Congressman John Boehner
Congressman Eric Cantor
Congressman Mike PenceWe are not hearing the same things come from the Republican Leadership in the Senate. We need to contact the Republican Leadership in the Senate and let them know what we expect from them. They need to know that we expect all Republicans to insist that all negotiations start over with a blank sheet of paper.
Senator Mitch McConnell
Senator Jon Kyl
We all thought this this health care legislation was dead after the election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts because he was the 41st vote. Well, not so fast. He is the 41st vote only if all of the other Republicans in Washington stand firm and do not cave or make any concessions.We must make it clear to ALL of our elected officials that we want NO part of the Senate or House bills to be proposed or accepted. The American people want these bills rejected and to start over with a clean slate. We will accept nothing less. This is a critical time! We have been so successful in stopping this legislation. We must continue to stand strong and have our voices heard. Your fellow Patriots are counting on you to stand with us now. We must not be weak, but stringer than ever before.Thank you for standing with us shoulder to shoulder!
Amy Kremeramykremer@gmail.com
Jennifer Hulseyhulsey1873@gmail.com770.546.0286
1. Sign the Petition
2. Contact the SENATORS listed below.
3. Contact the REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP listed below.
SENATORS to Contact:
We have made this easy for you. We have broken the country into five regions and the 10 Senators into five groups. Each day, you call and email the group of Senators that is assigned to your region of the country for that day. This way, all 10 Senators will have a constant barrage of calls and emails all week. We need to make sure they feel the pressure daily. They need to know we are watching and waiting.All of the contact information is listed below the chart. It has been highly recommended that we target their local district offices when calling, as they are not used to getting pressure like the DC offices.Of course, you can always do more and call more than just the one group assigned to your region that day! If you want to call more, I would suggest calling and emailing the Senators with an asterisk next to their name, as they are the ones that are up for reelection in 2010.When contacting these Senators, let them know that you expect them to stand firm and not make any concessions on a government takeover of health care. You can refer to the petition for a list of things that we will not compromise on in these health care negotiations.Also, please email the Chief of Staff for each Senator!
North East
Group 1 (Bayh, Bennet)
Group 2 (Lincoln, Landrieu)
Group 3 (Gregg, Hatch)
Group 4 (Corker, Grassley)
Group 5 (McConnell, Enzi)
South East
Group 2 (Lincoln, Landrieu)
Group 3 (Gregg, Hatch)
Group 4 (Corker, Grassley)
Group 5 (McConnell, Enzi)
Group 1 (Bayh, Bennet)
Mid West
Group 3 (Gregg, Hatch)
Group 4 (Corker, Grassley)
Group 5 (McConnell, Enzi)
Group 1 (Bayh, Bennet)
Group 2 (Lincoln, Landrieu)
North West
Group 4 (Corker, Grassley)
Group 5 (McConnell, Enzi)
Group 1 (Bayh, Bennet)
Group 2 (Lincoln, Landrieu)
Group 3 (Gregg, Hatch)
South West
Group 5 (McConnell, Enzi)
Group 1 (Bayh, Bennet)
Group 2 (Lincoln, Landrieu)
Group 3 (Gregg, Hatch)
Group 4 (Corker, Grassley)
Star of Ishtar Serves Not Only Assyrian Food
Montha Isitifo, right, with her daughter Amelia, left, took over the Star
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12 minutes ago
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