An interesting post from John Miano of which shows how immigration should be managed. This follows this post here about the GOP's future including immigration control and for more interesting stories like this click here to follow this blog.
Ten Principles of Immigration
By John Miano
1. The purpose of immigration policy is to benefit the citizens of the United States.
2. As immigration shapes the country, immigration policy should be set by action, not accident.
3. Policy is set by laws that are enforced.
4. There is no legal right for non-citizens to remain in the U.S, whatsoever. Non-citizens enter the United States as guests and may be removed at will by the government of the U.S.
5. The U.S. states should keep track of guests while they visit.
6. Those who enter the U.S. illegally or remain beyond the terms of their visas are criminals and should be regarded as such. Anyone doing so should be permanently barred from entering the U.S. for any purpose.
7. Guests who will not be accepted for return to their home countries may be detained by the government until such time as their home country or suitable alternative country will accept them.
8. Adjustments of status must take place in the applicant’s home country. The only purpose bouncing among the alphabet soup of visa categories serves is to feed immigration lawyers.
9. There must be numerical limits on immigration. Numbers determine funding. If funding is set at one level and the number of people allowed is set at a higher level, you have a mess.
10. It is not possible for everyone in the world to live in the United States.
[Josh Blackman] Today in Supreme Court History: March 26, 2012
3/26/2012: NFIB v. Sebelius is argued.
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