This is an interesting article from F.Roger Devlin of about a catalog of the "Treason Lobby" as the author puts it. If you want to read more on some of the threats to Americans click here and to subscribe to this post click here.
Sojourners And Subversives: Cataloguing the Treason Lobby
By F. Roger Devlin
Kevin Lamb has produced a guidebook to the enemies of patriotic immigration reform that is at once handy and comprehensive—The Open-Borders Network. How a Web of Ethnic Activists, Journalists, Corporations, Politicians, Lawyers, and Clergy Undermine U.S. Border Security and National Sovereignty.
You can read the whole thing for free here[PDF]. A hardcopy version is available for just $3.50 from the American Immigration Control Foundation here.
The “usual suspects” are all here: SPLC (“$PLC” as VDARE.COM calls it), ACLU, LULAC, MALDEF, La Raza and MEChA.
But Lamb has found plenty of organizations that do not even turn up in a search of the VDARE.COM archives—such as The Hispanic Federation, The National Day Laborer Organizing Network, The National Immigrant Solidarity Network,, Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform and The National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean Communities.
And that’s not to mention the financial backers: General Motors, Starbucks, Southwest Airlines, Wells Fargo, the Sierra Club, Anheuser-Busch, the late Washington Mutual Bank, the Ford, MacArthur and AT&T Foundations and more.
Perhaps we could designate them “hate-America groups”, plot them all on a “Treason Map” of the fifty States, and update the list every year for the convenience of journalists and commentators.
Confronted with an embarrassment of riches, I will highlight just chapter five, Lamb’s reporting on Treason Lobby cause has now become just an industry.
Lamb’s reporting on Treason Lobby cause has now become just an industry.
We tend to think of our opponents as ideological zealots. But fanaticism is only part of the story.
For every hate-America ideologue like Jim Wallis, there are fifty people—church, foundation, and government bureaucrats—being employed to deal with the problems created by immigration.
We tend to think of our opponents as ideological zealots. But fanaticism is only part of the story.
For every hate-America ideologue like Jim Wallis, there are fifty people—church, foundation, and government bureaucrats—being employed to deal with the problems created by immigration.
They do not want the source of the problems to dry up—because they do not want to lose their jobs. It’s not rocket science.
However, they have already lost the immigration argument. And no cause can triumph on institutional inertia alone.
F. Roger Devlin [Email him] is a contributing editor for The Occidental Quarterly and the author of Alexandre Kojeve and the Outcome of Modern Thought.
Race in Mormon Theology, Part II
The Church panders but does not apologize.
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