An article about a radio program covering the health care discussion. You can find where to listen here
The Health Care Reform Show
Posted by: Duane R. Patterson
Monday's program promises to be one of the most important we've ever broadcast in the nine year history of the Hugh Hewitt Show. Congress is set to begin a month-long debate in both the House and Senate on what American health care will look like once the politicians are finished with it. The House version of the legislation is well over a thousand pages long, and the Senate version is not much shorter. Both contain the Trojan horse called the government option, or the public option, or the single payer plan. This must be stopped if Americans don't want to be dumped by their employers into a vastly expensive expansion of Medicare which would not only bankrupt the country, but ration care and cause lines waiting for care that would make Great Britain and Canada look efficient by comparison. What can you do to help stop the public option from passing? Get educated. That's exactly what Monday's program is all about. Hugh will bring on three experts in the health care field, left, center and right on the political scale, and not only discuss the pros and cons of the current proposed legislation, but offer real alternatives to the nightmare that is coming if Obamacare passes.
Dr. Irwin Redlener, co-founder and president of the Children's Health Fund and doctor of pediatrics at Columbia University,
Professor Clayton Christensen of the Harvard Business School and co-author of The Innovator's Prescription, and
Dr. Robert Moffit of Heritage Foundation's Center for Health Policy Studies
will all join Hugh for an hour. The transcripts and appropriate links to their work will follow in a subsequent post. Your mission? Listen to all three hours. Listen to the podcasts that will be posted after the show. Get informed as to what is being proposed, what you think about it, what alternative solutions are, and then by all means, get engaged in the debate. Americans are only going to have one window of time, July, to stop the ruination of America's health care system. Now is the time to get involved. Listen, learn, and then get in the game.
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