Here is an article from http://www.hughhewitt.com/ which talks about the reasons why the last presidential election mattered so much.
The first six reasons are the Supreme Court justices who are over 68, or were when the election happened, and therefore are vulnerable to be replaced by this president.
The seventh reason is foreign policy and we have seen this president tour the world apologizing for America and weakening our nation in this way.
The book is about the Supreme Court in America and can be gotten here http://www.marklevinshow.com/sectional.asp?id=32484
Consequences of the Supreme Court nominations can be shown as here http://brianleesblog.blogspot.com/2009/07/two-gay-men-kicked-out-of-chicos-tacos.html where a state law, passed by the people of the state of Texas, was overturned by the Supreme Court.
There are seven reasons for anyone to support the eventual nominee no matter who it is: The war and six Supreme Court justices over the age of 68.Folks who want to take their ball and go home have to realize that even three SCOTUS appointments could revolutionize the way elections are handled in this country in a stroke, mandating the submission of redistricting lines to court scrutiny for "fairness.""It is undeniable that political sophisticates understand such fairness and how to go about destroying it," Justice Souter announced in his diseent in Veith v. Jubilerer, the Pennsylvania redistricting case in which the Court declined by a vote of 5 to 4 to immerse itself in the details of the partisan redistricting of Pennsylvania.If Democrats control the White House and gain even one of the five seats held by the center-right majority of current justices, this and many other crucial issues are up for legal grabs. When activist judges are more than willing to rewrite rules of long-standing, periods of exile should never be self-imposed "for the good of the party." Exiles can go on a very long time indeed. Ask the Whigs.They can go on indefinitely when enforced by courts.The GOP as well is the party committed to victory in Iraq and the wider war. A four year time-out would be a disaster, a period of time in which al Qaeda and its jihadist off-shoots would regroup in some places and continue to spread in others. Iran, even if punished in the months before November, would certainly continue and accelerate its plans under the soft pleadings of a President Obama or Clinton 2.0. These aren't the years to wish a pox on your primary opponents' heads beyond June.I don't expect the principals to let up on each other in the two months ahead, and I am especially looking forward to the Ohio and Texas votes. But it is very possible to play full contact politics without the threat of going home if your team loses. The stakes in the fall are far too high for that.
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