Big hat tip from
Thank You!
Posted by Erick Erickson (Profile)
The House GOP held the line. They voted unanimously to oppose the Obama Stimulus Plan. The Democrats will now own this failure.
Earlier today I said we must make our side feel pain when they displease us. But we should be prepared to say thanks too.
I’m giving a $22.00 donation to the National Republican Congressional Committee, the group that elects House Republicans.
We may not agree with them every time. But it is quite important that we say thanks to them when they hold the line on the advance of socialism.
A Challenge to the Senate GOP: Don’t Abandon House Republicans on the Front Lines of the War for America’s Future
Posted by Jeff Emanuel (Profile)
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Democrat-Electable, Nevada) came out today and bragged that some Senate Republicans would vote for the awful so-called “stimulus” bill despite the fact that:
(A) It’s a massive, wasteful pork-barrel bill that won’t stimulate anything or anyone (except those who get really, really excited at the prospect of huge transfers of borrowed cash from larger governments to smaller governments); and
(B) doing so would provide the Democrats with bipartisan cover which they only need in order to have someone else to point the finger of blame at when this proposal goes down in flames like the Hindenburg.
I fully expect Republican Main-Streeters like Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, and Arlen Specter to vote for this monstrosity which borrows and transfers more money than there is total currency currently in circulation; however, I’m hereby challenging every one of them and their colleagues to prove me wrong.
The House sent a powerful message yesterday by standing united against this terrible proposal. They have a long way to go before they’re redeemed for the last several years of mismanagement and Democrat-lite behavior, but yesterday served as a very good first step.
Call your Senator and tell him or her not to abandon the House GOP on the Front Lines of the current battle for Congress and for America’s future.
The Democrats have enough votes to pass this and every other rotten item on their agenda without Republican help. Let’s make them do it — and, through that, make them own every single negative outcome that results from their awful policies.
What say you? Are you with me?
In the Mailbox: 03.18.25 (Evening Edition)
— compiled by Wombat-socho Bridget Phetasy pegs the Democrats. No, not like
that, you pervs. Silicon Valley et Hamas delenda sunt. OVER THE TRANSOM 357
58 minutes ago
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