Progress in the Minnesota Senate Recount!! Keep checking here and give if you can!! See previous links on this here
Last night the courts in Minnesota dealt a striking blow to Al Franken and flat out denied his motion to dismiss Norm Coleman's legal election contest. The Franken campaign now has to finally face reality: they can't weasel their way out of having to go to court on a case they've made clear they know they won't win.
They've tried just about every sneaky maneuver they can think of, and the continued scheming on the part of Al Franken and Harry Reid hasn't gone unnoticed all across Minnesota. Check out what the Fargo Forum had to say in its spot-on editorial today:
"Al Franken should allow Minnesota election law to run its course before he assumes a seat in the U.S. Senate is his. A campaign to seize the seat before state courts finish their work is unseemly at best, arrogant at worst.
"The latest curious turn in the Senate race between Democrat Franken and former incumbent Republican Norm Coleman finds Franken scheming with the Senate's Democratic leader, Harry Reid, to circumvent the state's legal election procedures."
(Forum editorial: Franken, Reid tilt the table
The Forum editorial proves that Minnesotans aren't going to stand for political gamesmanship by Reid and Franken which threatens the Constitutional rights of each and every citizen. The Franken campaign may have reversed themselves on calling for every vote to be counted, but the Coleman campaign absolutely hasn't. We steadfastly believe that we cannot allow any Minnesotan to be disenfranchised in this process, and now that we are in this new phase of the post-election proceedings, it's time for every valid vote to be counted fairly.
"Franken, Reid and the Democratic leadership in the U.S. Senate seem to be working hard to derail the legal process in Minnesota. Reid, who has earned the title of stumblebum-in-chief over his handling of the non-seating and then seating of Illinois Sen. Roland Burris, is further tarnishing the Senate majority with what appear to be heavy-handed tactics.
"Franken's eager participation in Reid's couplike stunt seems to contradict his campaign's earlier cry that "every vote be counted." That's precisely the aim of Coleman's lawsuit. There are thousands of votes in question, most of them absentee ballots. An outcome that leaves questions about those ballots in the minds of Minnesotans will taint whoever ultimately wins."
(Forum editorial: Franken, Reid tilt the table
Last night's victory paves the way for the trial to begin on Monday. We need your continued support to help protect the rights of Minnesotans and determine the rightful winner of the 2008 U.S. Senate race in Minnesota. Please click here to make a donation of $10, $25, $100 or more to show your support. With your help, we know that as he led on election night, Norm Coleman will be ahead again if this trial fairly allows each validly cast vote to be counted.
P.S.- - Keep checking for the latest news on the election contest and for more information on how your contribution to our efforts is making a difference!
Team Coleman
Jan 20, 2009
Dear Friend,
Today marks an historic occasion for each and every American, from all backgrounds, all political philosophies and all walks of life. We all wish our new President well, and we will support him when we agree with him and be the voice of the loyal opposition when we do not.
Unfortunately, the kind of change that President Barack Obama brings to Washington is worlds apart from the kind of change that Al Franken is seeking here in Minnesota.
Barack Obama won a majority of our nation's votes fair and square.Al Franken had to change the rules of the game to overturn our victory.
Barack Obama was elected based on the principle of one person - one vote.Al Franken's lead exists because some votes were counted twice, while others weren't counted at all.
Franken's coordinated attempt to silence voices must not stand. But it might, unless I hear from you soon.
Click here now to contribute $15, $25, $35, $50, $100 or more - up to $2,300 per person - to the Coleman for Senate Recount Fund.
The amount you contribute is important, but even more critical is your immediate reply. In less than one week, a three-judge panel will begin to consider our legal challenge to Franken's outrageous power grab.
We can't be a day late or a dollar short in providing them with all the information they need to see that the latest results of the Canvassing Board are patently unconstitutional and inherently undemocratic. With George Soros raising millions for Franken's Recount Fund, I need your generous continued support.
Please let me hear from you soon. Can I count on you to go my website now to get the latest news on our legal challenge, and to support our recount fund with your best contribution?
Yours truly,Norm Coleman
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