Here's an interesting candidtate that you might want to learn about if you are in either Florida or New York.
"Town Call Meeting"
Sign up for LIVE "Town Call Meeting" with LTC Allen West hosted by the ‘Go West Blog’
You are invited to participate in the first live (conference) calls with LTC (ret) Allen West. This call is being hosted by the ‘Go West Blog’ and moderated by Phil Orenstein, member and co-founder of the ‘Go West Blog’. Please sign up for the LIVE call with Allen by hitting reply and requesting the call-in details. Please give your name and town. As ‘seating is limited’ to a ‘first call-in’ basis, we ask that you request the call-in info by Wednesday, January 28th, only if you know you will participate. Location:
Contact Info: Email Phil Orenstein at for call-in information
Date/Time: January 31st, 2009 at 07:00pm
The Queens Village Republican Club Lincoln Bicentennial Dinner
Speaking EngagementLocation: Antun's 96-43 Springfield Blvd. Queens Village, NYDate/Time: February 8th, 2009 at 3:00pm
For Economic Restoration And Fiscal Responsibility
Make the tax cuts permanent; abolish the Death Tax and Alternative Minimum Taxes; simplify the tax code to offer a one-page tax return.
Reduce corporate and capital gains taxes; reward corporations with tax cuts or incentives for keeping jobs on American soil.
Prevent appropriations bills from including unrelated projects or appropriations to reduce extraneous politics.
Immediately discontinue the practice of earmarks to restore fiscal responsibility to an out-of-control Congress.
For A More Secure America
Keep America on the offense against global terrorism and its state sponsors.
Immediately secure our borders; cease taxpayer-funded benefits to illegals, establish English as our national language; enforce all existing laws.
Deport foreign felons to their countries of origin; end the practice of anchor babies; promote H-2A visas for employee recruitment by businesses.
Move Border Patrol from Immigration and Naturalization Service to the Department of Defense.
Support Israel to become a member of NATO to share its protection with our allies.
Approve FISA to allow real-time action in response to terrorist contact with any person within US boundaries.
For Energy Independence
To provide immediate relief and long term solutions for energy, eliminate caps on domestic oil production.
Support research and development of full spectrum of energy sources, including sugar-based ethanol.
Suspend the 2007 corn ethanol program to reduce current pressure on global food prices.
For Education And Health Care Improvement
Support and facilitate trade education programs to develop marketable skills.
Allow open-market purchase of health care insurance throughout the US, rather than restrict options by state, and other market-driven solutions.
Duplicate and nationally to allow comparison shopping for cost and quality of health care providers and procedures.
Require “e-prescriptions” to reduce fraud and error from misread handwritten prescriptions.
For Natural Disaster Insurance
Create federal tax credit for the cost of windstorm and earthquake insurance; no tax on that amount of income.
Allow federal tax credit for any and all amounts paid to repair or rebuild any property, crop or equipment damaged by natural disasters not covered by insurance for all forms of property ownership.
For Supporting Our Troops
Ensure troop funding must NEVER be used to resolve internal partisan disputes as long as American soldiers are deployed in a war zone.
Provide health care funding for any deployed soldier serving or injured in the line of duty as a fully funded annual budget line item.
VA mortgage funding should include a credit equal to a 10% down payment for a first home purchase.
For the Second Amendment
An armed and informed law-abiding citizenry is the best defense against an unjust government and the criminal element created by irresponsible societal benevolence and activist judges.
Why the Trillion Euro Spending Spree Is a 'Historic Shift' for Germany | DW
Mar 18, 2025
10 minutes ago
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