Big hat tip to Hugh Hewitt
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Helping Babies Into The World, And Why We Should
Posted by: Hugh Hewitt
The arrival of President Obama --the most pro-abortion rights president ever-- means that for the next few years pro-life activists can expect very few legislative or exectuive banch victories, and whether the current Supreme Court even considers cases central to the issue remains to be seen.But there is a lot to be done at the level of helping moms deliver healthy babies, as this post on Option Line from Between Two Worlds reveals.
Here as well is an address by Princeton Professor Robert George on the abortion debate and the obligations of pro-life activists even in an era of greatly reduced federal influence.
Two key paragraphs:
Of course, it is not given to us to know just how much we will, in the end, be able to achieve. Despite the triumph of the pro-abortion party in the recent elections, there is no good reason to believe that our efforts in the domain of law and policy are futile or are doomed to fail. Yet we have no guarantee of their success. As the great Fr. Richard John Neuhaus so often said: for us, there is only the trying. The rest is God’s business, not ours. Yet we are given to know that in trying, we fulfill God’s commands, and build up His kingdom. And we know this: our prayers, political and educational efforts, and outreach to pregnant women in need have, by God’s mercy, already saved countless precious lives. We must not lose sight of this fact in our grief at the loss of so many others due to the injustice of our laws and the coldness of so many hearts toward abortion’s tiny victims.
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