I wanted to let you read this article that you can click through to find some interesting items about the Middle East. This goes well with our own book the Middle East in Bible Propecy http://www.gnmagazine.org/booklets/ME/ and I think you'll find the article itself interseting. All of the links are very intersting!! If you know more yourself, please let me know.
Unfortunately, although we are increasingly involved in that part of the world, we poor dumb naive Americans still don't have a clue just how Byzantine the sociology and politics of the ancient Byzantine Empire remain. Just when you've finally figured out the difference between the Sunnis and Shi'ites, you discover that the place is also stocked with a baffling array of pseudo-Muslim crypto-religions.
For example, there are the arguably quasi-Christian Alawites who run the Syrian dictatorship; their allegedly angel-worshiping cousins, the dissimulating Alevi who make up somewhere from 10 to 30 percent of Turkey; the Lucifer-loving Kurdish Yezidis of Iraq; and, strangest of all, the Donmeh, secret followers of the Jewish false messiah Shabbetai Zevi, who comprise much of the secular elite of modern Turkey.
In Lebanon, the local mystery sect is the Druze, who refuse to explain the nature of their religion. No mutually satisfactory slice of the political pie could be found for this fourth most important ethnic group.
Trump’s Trade War Will Damage Growth OECD Warns | BBC News
Mar 17, 2025 | Economic organisation has said that President Donald Trump’s
tariffs will be bad for global economic growth and living standards. The
17 minutes ago
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