If you hadn't noticed in the news, there is now a resurgance of Piracy, and not the ones from the Carribean movies. If you click the links in the story below, you'll see what is going on in this including the historic story of Redbeard and also the background of "... to the shores of Tripoli" . I hope you find this interesting.
Good Feeling on the High Seas: Return of the Pirate
Somali Muslim pirates are attacking international cargo ships with rigour.
November 17, 2008, Pirates seize another ship in Gulf of Aden. A Hong Kong cargo ship loaded with 36,000 tons of wheat headed for Iran was captured by Somali pirates (old style Muslim terrorists at sea) of the coast of Yemen. (The liberal FinancialTimes, however, cannot bring itself to say that the pirates are Somali.
November 17, 2008 Drama on the high seas Somali pirates (old style Muslim terrorists at sea) captured a Saudi oil tanker carrying $100 million dollars of crude oil--off the coast of Obama's beloved Kenya (--450 miles, anyway).
Also, September 21, 2008, Norwejian Warship Fights Pirates near Somalia This is clearly an international affair on the high seas.
Of course, September 25, 2008, Ukrainian ship seized by pirates off Somali coast. Somali pirates (old style Muslim terrorists at sea) captured a Ukranian ship loaded with tanks and military equipment (though the news does not say where the ship was bound for).
The only thing coming out of Africa is trouble. The "good feeling" is Not Out of Africa, as Mary Lefkowitz might say. And it's not coming Out of America, as Keith Richburg might say--at least not out of the Obama election.
The Muslims terrorists on the high seas are clearly disrupting the course of world supply lines--for ransom money. Money to contribute to more terrorism, obviously. Muslims terrorists may not be able to depend on the Al-qaeda command directly. They have to develop their own resources, which they are quite capable of doing. So, it's out of the mountains onto the high seas. It's a whole lot more difficult to control pirates than terrorists on land. Land security is easy in comparison. (And air security always happens on land first.) Water is a different venue. Quite unlimited. Muslims will never, ever give up. They're here to accomplish their purpose. Death. And death is no obstacle to them, personally, or collectively. As much death as possible. It is a wonderful thing.
The world is scarely aware of the role cargo plays in world affairs. But the Somali pirates, the old style Muslim terrorists on the seas, have valiently brought that role to light. No doubt, such efforts will continue, until the world realizes that the Muslim murderers are in control. But not to worry, they won't be for long. They want to see the entire world end. That is their real goal. To rule, then to ruin. Pirates of the past may not have been so theological, but effective nonetheless, in wreaking the greatest havoc of their era, allegedly delivering over a million white Europeans into slavery. All in good faith, awaiting the coming of the 12th Imam.
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Mar 17, 2025 | Economic organisation has said that President Donald Trump’s
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