Political Correctness
http://www.badeagle.com/journal/ According to an anti-American liberal white judge in Arizona, illegal aliens are to be called "foreign nationals" in all court documents. Arizona Supreme Court Justice Ruth McGregor won't even allow the term "illegal immigrants." The Hispanic Bar Association, of course, made the demands, and Ruth willingly submitted to cultural rape. (May the apparent disrespect in this description represent equallly the true and actual disrespect in-Justice McGregor has shown the American people.)Of course, the Court has threatened to sue Judicial Watch for revealing the Court's decision. The Hispanic Bar Association (Los Abogagos) dictated the following terms as unacceptable, and lawless in-Justice Ruth promised to comply: illegalsillegal aliensaliensresident or non-resident alienillegal immigrantsinvadors Reconquistadorsanchor babiesalso,illegal immigrationimmigration epidemicimmigration crisisimmigrant invasionpro-illegal immigration activistsopen border advocatesproponents for amnestySo, let all Americans know, there is no fault in the mass of trespassing Mexicans (or any other group). They are guilty of no wrong, they, nor anyone who colludes, conspires, or aids and abets them. No one is at fault in any of this. So saith the Chief Justice of Arizona's Supreme Court, Ruth McGregor, a 'heart on the ground' defeated white woman--in high office. Now, let's remember, too, the most brutal Mexican drug cartel, the Gulf, is preparing to enforce by militant violence its drug routes within the United States. Los Zetas (the enforcers) have stock-piled weapons in safe-houses in the United States, according to the FBI (as reported in the Washington Times). Regional Gulf leader Jaime Gonzalez "has ordered the reinforcements to a tactical operational territory, or "plaza," in the area around the southern Texas towns of McAllen and Mission, about 235 miles south of San Antonio and less than five miles from the border with Mexico." It's all in direct response to those cocky US officials who have had the nerve to crack down on the drug traffic. How dare them insult the rights of the free-enterprizing Mexicans! Are they ermanos to the Americans, in spirit? An FBI buletin states, "These replacements are believed to be armed with assault rifles, bullet proof vests, and grenades, and are occupying safe houses throughout the McAllen Texas area," the bulletin states. Nothing illegal there. Nothing that would be described as such by the cutting edge in-Justice Ruth McGregor in Arizona. "Los Zetas is thought to be composed of former members of Mexico´s special forces who deserted or retired to work for the Gulf Cartel, a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) official familiar with the group told The Times. The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of ongoing operations in the area, said that Los Zetas is thought to have taken control of the Gulf Cartel's operations."Beautiful. America the beautiful. Liberty and justic for all--except Americans, except American patriots, except for anyone who actually loves the country. But they seem to be fewer and fewer these days. Most people have no idea what a country is, let alone patriotism. A country is like a football team or something. It has a logo, a name, and fans. It's supposed to win. That's all. Now, does anyone supposed that the foreign African Communist president-elect is going to do absolutely anything about all this? He's already promised to give the illegal Mexicans drivers licenses, and to make them all citizens as quickly as possible, faithful racist that he is, basing all concepts and actions on race. And American Indians think he's going to do something for Indians? First of all, not all Indians voted for him. Many did not. Says the popular Indianz.com:
Despite an unprecedented outreach by president-elect Barack Obama and the Democratic Party, some states with significant Indian populations safely sided with Republican John McCain on election day.Who knows what they mean by "safely sided? But the facts are the facts. Lots of Indians did not vote for the black African Third World Communist. Now, I would like to see Obama do something new, different, and effective for Indian people--like enforcing the historic treaties. But, if that means giving masses of illegal, trespassing Mexicans all American citizenship, then I think Indians need to reconsider their support. Illegal Mexicans are not our friends, politically. They are competitors. Furthermore, they use our reservations for illegal entry into the country throughout the Southwest, and especially Arizona. It is a bit naive for Indians to think that race-based actions from an Obama White House are good for everyone. It is dangerous for Indians to think that race-based actions that hurt America are somehow not going to affect Indians adversely. What if Obama ran for office in an Indian nation? What if he ran for president of Venezuela? That America has many oedipal white liberals who are intent on destroying America by playing on the country's pity for black people doesn't mean that Indians should join in the spirit of self-depreciation. We have treaty provisions provided by the brave warring blood of our fathers. We're not in the same class as the race beggars. We degrade ourselves when we unite with them.
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Mar 17, 2025 | Economic organisation has said that President Donald Trump’s
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