Thursday, May 12, 2016

Rasmussen Poll: Voters Don’t Want Syrians Relocated to America

An interesting article from about unvetted Syrian refugees. This follows this post about the cost of immigration. This follows this post about this year's black vote. Remember, “Amnesty” means ANY non-enforcement of existing immigration laws! This follows this comment and this post about how to Report Illegal Immigrants! Also, you can read two very interesting books HERE.
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Above, U.S. Ambassador to Jordan Alice Wells poses with  a family of quickie-screened Syrian Muslims who arrived in Missouri last month to be resettled there.Above, U.S. Ambassador to Jordan Alice Wells poses with a family of quickie-screened Syrian Muslims who arrived in Missouri last month to be resettled there.

Rasmussen Poll: Voters Don’t Want Syrians Relocated to America

A Rasmussen survey published on Tuesday illustrated how the citizens remain concerned about national security: despite the squawks from the liberal media about Donald Trump’s call to pause Muslim immigration temporarily, 59 percent of likely voters think that Obama’s plan to speed the import of sketchy Syrians is unwise.
One of the poll’s questions focused on that issue, asking “The Obama administration reportedly wants to speed the screening process for Syrian refugees to come to the United States. The goal is to bring 10,000 of those refugees here by the end of the year. Do you favor or oppose allowing 10,000 Syrians to come to America?”
Unsurprisingly, less examination of Middle Eastern Muslims did not make them more appealing to American citizens.
Most Still Oppose Syrian Refugees, Cite National Security Risk, Rasmussen Reports, May 10, 2016
The Obama administration reportedly is speeding the vetting process for Syrian refugees so 10,000 can come to the United States this year, but most voters still don’t welcome those newcomers and fear they are a threat to the country.
Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Likely U.S. Voters oppose allowing 10,000 Syrians to come to America by the end of the year. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 31% favor letting those refugees come here. Eleven percent (11%) are undecided.
What’s extra alarming is after long promising that the normal screening process of Syrian refugees takes around two years of careful examination, the Obama administration announced it would slash the process to three months, even though FBI Director Comey admitted last October in a House hearing that the government cannot adequately check Syrians for jihad affiliation.
In a November poll, Rasmussen found that 60 percent of voters don’t want Syrian refugees dumped in their state.

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