Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Three fake “Islamophobic hate crimes” the media ran with

A timely post about from about fake "hate crimes." This follows this post about Muslims refugee resettlement in the U.S., such as in Idaho. This follows this article about American energy independence and preventing money from going to hostile countries. For more, you can read two very interesting books HERE.
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Three fake “Islamophobic hate crimes” the media ran with

AlhimidiWe covered all these extensively at Jihad Watch when they happened; it is good, however, to see others beginning to take notice. Islamic supremacist groups such as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) want and need hate crimes against Muslims, because they’re the currency they use to buy power and influence in our victimhood-oriented society, and to deflect attention away from jihad terror and onto Muslims as putative victims. Hamas-linked CAIR, designated a terror organization by the United Arab Emirates, and other Muslims have on many occasions not hesitated to stoop even to fabricating “hate crimes,” including attacks on mosques.
“Fake Hate: 9 False Discrimination Stories the Media Ran With,” by Kristine Marsh, Newsbusters, August 10, 2015:
The left loves to portray the right as bigots who hate minorities, women, Muslims, and gays. So the media latch onto any claim of perceived discrimination or hate, real or not, and report it with glee (forget investigation and due diligence!)….
3. April 2014: Muslim man kills wife; sets up her murder as an ‘Islamophobic’ hate crime
In April of 2014, in El Cajon, California, Iraqi Muslim Kassim Alhimidi was found guilty of murdering his wife, Shaima Alawadi, after she told him she wanted to divorce. Next to Alawadi’s body, Alhimidi left a note that read, “Go back to your country, you terrorist,” which led the media to report the murder as an “Islamophobic” hate crime. Islamic supporters even started a social media campaign against the perceived hate crime called “One Million Hijabs for Shaima Alawadi.”
Leftist, Islamic scholar, and upcoming CNN host Reza Aslan blamed conservative “Islamophobic fucks” for the murder, even after the truth came out that it was an honor killing, not a hate crime.
  1. June 2015: Muslim cleric’s suspicious soda tale
When Muslim cleric Tahera Ahmad wrote on Facebook that she had been subject to “Islamophobia” from a United Airlines attendant who wouldn’t give her a full can of unopened soda, the story went viral. The media took note, reporting on her unvetted, unverifiable claim as if it were gospel. The Washington Post and CNN covered it while ABC, CBS, and NBC all included the woman’s claims in their evening news broadcasts. United Airlines called the incident a “misunderstanding” but the flight attendant in question was forced out of the company a few days later.
As quick as the media were to report what Ahmad claimed, they ignored the fact that Ahmad makes a career out of fighting alleged “Islamophobia.” Evidence of that is all over her social media. Not to mention the fact that accounts from other passengers gave a very different version of what happened. The media didn’t feel the need to update their tall tale with both sides of the story though.
The Weekly Standard’s Mark Hemingway noted the media’s double standard:
“Finally, journalists who think that a single, unverified account left on someone’s Facebook page is all they need to hang a story on ought to think long and hard about the incentives they are creating for people. Knowing that there’s a good chance you can say anything and it won’t be investigated and corroborated is just going to encourage a lot of people who have very unhealthy motives to aspire to be the victim du jour.
Maybe Tahera Ahmad was treated unfairly and discriminated against, but it’s really appalling that the facts of what happened to her would not be established before we mess with a flight attendant’s career, drag an airline through the mud, and use the episode as a launching point for a national conversation about Islamophobia.But I guess this is what passes for “journalism” these days.”…
9. October 2014: Racial Profiling Viral Video Staged
Two Muslim Youtube stars, put out a video last October showing that when they wear Muslim garb they are stopped and frisked by the police and called hateful names. Turns out, the whole video was staged. But not before The Huffington Post alerted the public to the “ugly world of racial profiling,” and the liberal Muslim advocacy group CAIR (The Council on American-Islamic Relations) tweeted it out.
The young Youtubers were forced to add to the description that it was a “dramatization” but insisted this sort of thing happens all the time to them. If it happens all the time, I wonder why they don’t have even one [real] video showcasing that?
Even though it was debunked, the video is still active, and comments continue to pour in revealing most people think it’s real.

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